ENBIS-EMSE Spring Meeting 2009

1/2/3 July 2009 in Saint-Etienne

« Design & Analysis of Computer Experiments »

www.mines-stetienne.fr > enbis-emse2009 > Scientific programme

Scientific programme

Abstracts are available freely. Please login to download full papers.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

12h – 13h30
13h30 – 14h
Welcome address
14h – 15h

Keynote speaker - D. Steinberg (Tel Aviv University, Israël)

An overview of computer experiments — Slides PDF

15h – 16h30

Session 1: Stochastic interpolation models & Splines (Chairman : G. Vicario)

  • T. Muhlenstadt, S. Kuhnt « Comparing different interpolation methods on two dimensional test functions »
  • F. de Crécy, N. Durrande, A. Reinhardt, S. Joblot, C. Helbert « Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments for Bulk Acoustic Wave filters:Comparison of several types of Designs and Comparison of Kriging versus Pseudo-cubic Thin-plate type Spline » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF — Slides PDF ]
  • M. Ratto, A. Pagano « Recursive identification of smoothing spline ANOVA models » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF — Slides PDF]
Coffee break
17h – 18h30

Session 2: Case studies - 1 (Chairman : B. Iooss)

  • B.M. Parker « Design of Computer Experiments for Packet Communication Networks » [Abstract PDF— PaperPDF]
  • M. Canaud, F. Wahl, C. Helbert « Design of experiments for smoke depollution from the output of diesel engine » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF — Slides PDF ]
  • H. Kracker, S. Kuhnt « Computer model calibration for springback prediction in sheet metal forming »[Abstract PDF]

Thursday, 2 July 2009

9h – 10h30

Session 3: Space-Filling Designs (Chairman : J.M. Azaïs)

  • A. Jourdan, J. Franco « Kullback-Leibler designs » [Abstract PDF — Slides PDF ]
  • G. Pistone, G. Vicario « Comparing and generating Latin Hypercube designs in Kriging models » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF — Slides PDF ]
  • W.G. Muller « Towards an Equivalence Theorem for Computer Simulation Experiments » [Abstract PDF — Slides PDF ]
Coffee break
11h – 12h30

Session 4: High dimension, with GDR MASCOT Num (Chairman : D. Steinberg)

  • J.M. Azaïs « Computation of Very High Dimensional integrals by Quasi Monte-Carlo methods » [Abstract PDF]
  • A. Marrel « Gaussian Process Metamodel and Wavelet Decomposition for Sensitivity Analysis of a Functional Output of Computer Code » [Abstract PDF — Slides PDF ]
  • A. Ribes, S. Planton « Inference and covariance matrix in large dimension » [Abstract PDF]
14h – 15h

Keynote speaker - S. Canu (INSA Rouen, France)

A lecture on kernel methods — Slides PDF

15h – 16h

Session 5: Optimization (Chairman : R. Le Riche)

  • H. Langouët « Optimization without derivatives under constraints : with surrogate quadratic models in a trust region » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF ]
  • G. Rudolph, M. Preuss, and J. Quadflieg, « Two-layered Surrogate Modeling for Tuning Optimization Metaheuristics » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF— Slides PDF]
16 h – 17h

Poster Session

  • S. Varet, S. Lefebvre, G. Durand, A. Roblin and S. Cohen, « Sequence construction for integral estimation » [Abstract PDF — SlidesPDF]
  • J. Giorla, J. Garnier, A. Masson, F. Poggi, R. Quach, P. Seytor, « Robustness Analysis of an Inertial Fusion Target using the Design of Computer Experiments Approach » [Abstract PDF]
  • B. Gandar, G. Loosli, G. Deffuant, « How to generate data for approximating multidimensional surfaces ? Application to the approximation of viability kernels » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF — Slides PDF]
  • M. Feddag, D. Woods, V. Rapley, « Weighted space-filling designs for dependent variables with application to deterministic computer code » [Abstract PDF — Slides PDF]
  • N. Durrande, P. Renard, D. Ginsbourger, « A clustering method for uncertainty propagation applied to CO2 sequestration » ]
Gala dinner at La Jasserie in the "Parc naturel du Pilat"


Friday, 3 July 2009

8h30 – 9h30

Keynote speaker - B. Iooss (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, France)

Statistical analysis of simulation experiments: challenges for industrial applications — Slides PDF


9h30 – 10h30

Session 6: Case studies - 2 (Chairman : J. Kunert)

  • S. Lefebvre, A. Roblin, S. Varet, A. Durand « Statistical Estimation of Aircraft Infrared Signature Dispersion » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF — Slides PDF ]
  • T. Wagner, C. Bröcker, N. Saba, D. Biermann, A. Matzenmiller, K. Steinhoff « Analysis of a Thermomechanically Coupled Forming Process Using Enhanced Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments » [Abstract PDF ]
Coffee break
11h – 12h

Session 7: Machine learning & Uncertainty modelling (Chairman : W.G. Müller)

  • O. Kramer, « Evolutionary Unsupervised Kernel Regression » [Abstract PDF]
  • J. Baccou, E. Chojnacki, S. Destercke, « Combining Probability and Possibility to Respect the Evaluation of Safety Margins » [Abstract PDF — PaperPDF— Slides PDF ]
Lunch (in or take away)




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