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Last Update: 08/09/05

   Final program with industrial meetings EMM 2006 / BPM'06 / JT'06   

 Keynote speakers
 Scientific program
 Industrial meetings programs
 Social events and cultural program

We are very pleased to present the final program of the 12th Triennial IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM06).
INCOM's philosophy is simple: put industrial problems in the forefront and invite all possible players in Automatic Control, Computer Science, Management Science, Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, to regard and propose solutions. This approach, which smashes the barriers between disciplines, will make INCOM06 the major scientific and industrial event in Manufacturing sciences this year.
Once again this event is co-sponsored by other well known Scientific Organizations as IEEE, IFIP, IFORS, and IMS. The support of such diverse and prestigious international associations is an indication of a bright future. An exceptional International Program Committee (IPC) has been formed with 79 members from 29 countries. Seventeen international journals are associated with the symposium for post-conference publications. This practically guaranties a top level event and a greater distribution of our results throughout the world.
603 papers have been submitted to IPC. For scientific selection, the members of IPC and more than 700 additional referees were needed to accomplish the task of correctly evaluating the articles. About 2000 reviews were made. Everyone worked hard to insure that the process was highly selective and professional, a hearty thank you to all, especially the Chair of IPC: Professor Gérard Morel.
INCOM06 will offer the incomparable experience of listening and exchanging ideas with leaders in their fields, and even establish collaborative projects that span the Globe. We invite you to profit from all the opportunities presented at the Symposium: keynote speeches, oral and poster sessions, related industrial workshops, and last but not least industrial exhibitions of innovative and state of the art solutions.
Pr. Alexandre Dolgui
Director of Division G2I
General Scientific Chair INCOM06
Bienvenue ! Hosting the INCOM'2006 symposium is a real pleasure for the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne and especially for its Division for Industrial Engineering and Computer Sciences (G2I). In this 190th anniversary year of our school, we would like to offer you a spectacular symposium as well as a very pleasant stay in St Etienne.
The goal of INCOM'06 is to create an effective bridge between research and industry. Our target is to provide industrial as well as academic leaders with a stimulating occasion to initiate fruitful relationships and ambitious projects. About 250 industrial participants are expected on site. A lot of industrial papers are included in INCOM'06 sessions, but more importantly, we have a wonderful opportunity, in that there are 3 business related meetings occurring in parallel with INCOM: EMM'2006, BPM'2006, JT'2006. The industrial and scientific exhibition will also offer a wonderful opportunity to explore and compare the latest innovations on IT applications as they relate to manufacturing systems.
INCOM'06 is the result of an intensive collaboration with all of the international community in manufacturing sciences. Many thanks to all the participants who have donated their time and efforts to ensure the success of our program. Let us not forget an outstanding support of all the international and French scientific sponsors, as well as the unshakable contributions of our various financial and institutional partners. The quality of the program offered today would not have been possible without your efforts !
We hope you will appreciate the social program. After a welcoming cocktail on May 16th, we will travel back in time to the Middle Ages to experience a traditional banquet (Château de Monrond les Bains, May 17th). Returning to the present, we will celebrate on May 18th the 190th anniversary of the Ecole des Mines by a concert given by a talented pianist: Evgeni Koroliov. We hope you will really enjoy your time with us and leave with agreeable souvenirs of Saint Etienne.
Dr. Xavier Boucher
National Organizing Committee Chair
  Keynote speakers

Pr. Andrew Kusiak, University of Iowa, USA.
"Data Mining for Design of Products and Production Systems".

Andrew Kusiak is a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the Director of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. He is interested in theory and applications of computational intelligence, data mining, and optimization in product development, manufacturing, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Kusiak has published research papers in journals sponsored by major engineering, information technology, and medical societies. He speaks frequently at international meetings, conducts professional seminars, and consults with industrial corporations. He has served on editorial boards of over twenty journals, published books, and edited book series. Dr. Kusiak is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.

Pr. Agostino Villa, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
"Reinforcing Industrial Districts: need for a structured approach".

Agostino Villa is member of the Department of Production Systems and Business Economics of Politecnico di Torino. He is the Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Foundation for Production Research (IFPR), an Editor for Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing journal (Elsevier) and the coordinator of the European Coordination Action on Collaborative Demand and Supply Networks (CODES.NET).

Pr. Fran�ois B. Vernadat, European Commission, Luxemburg.
"Interoperable Enterprise Systems: Architectures and Methods".

François B. Vernadat is an administrator at the European Commission in the unit for Interoperability, Architecture and Methods of DG DIGIT. He has been researching in enterprise modeling and integration as well as information systems for over 20 years in Canada and France. He is the author of 7 books including Enterprise Modeling and Integration: Principles and Applications (Chapman & Hall, 1996), is an associate editor of Int. J. of Production Research, Int. J. of Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Computers in Industry and a member of the board of several other scientific journals

Dr. Stanley B. Gershwin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
"How Do Quantity and Quality Really Interact? Precise Models Instead of Strong Opinions".

Stanley B. Gershwin is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Gershwin is the author of Manufacturing Systems Engineering. He has been an Associate Editor of several international journals, including the International Journal of Production Research, Operations Research, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and others. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

Pr. Shimon Y. Nof, Purdue University, USA.
"Robotics, Agents, and e-Work: The Emerging Future of Production".

Shimon Y. Nof is the Director of the NSF-industry supported PRISM Center (Production, Robotics and Integration Software for Manufacturing & Management), Fellow of IIE, Secretary General of International Foundation for Production Research (IFPR), Chair of IFAC Coordinating Committee "Manufacturing and Logistics Systems". The authors of several books, for example: Handbook of Industrial Robotics (Wiley, 1999), Industrial Assembly (Chapman & Hall, 1997), Membre of Editorial Board of numerous International Journals, etc.

Pr. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
"Distributed real-time embedded systems: challenges for manufacturing plant control".

Carlos E. Pereira is an Associate Professor of the Electrical Engineering Department at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, where he has served as Dean of the EE Department from 1996 to 1998 and Coordinator for the Graduate Research Program from 2002 to 2004. His research focuses on methodologies and tool support for the development of distributed embedded real-time systems. Carlos E. Pereira is the Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on Manufacturing Plant Control (TC 5.1) and will be chairing this TC for the triennium 2005-2008. He has also acted as Vice-Chair for the IFAC Technical Committee on Computers for Control (TC 3.1). He is Associate Editor of the Journal Control Engineering Practice.

Dr. Jean-Marie Proth, Consultant, France.
"Scheduling: New Trends in Industrial Environment".

Jean-Marie Proth received a Ph. D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Nancy (France) and a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Paris 9-Dauphine. He was Professor at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (Brussels) and Research Director at INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Sciences and Automation. His research activities include Petri nets, scheduling, operation research and supply chains. He authored and co-authored 17 books and more than 400 papers on these subjects in France and the U.S. He also conducted 45 contracts (Industry, Defence and C.E.E).

  Scientific program

The technical program of INCOM'2006 consists of 24 scientific tracks, each comprised of 3 to 6 thematic sessions. The scientific sessions are complemented with 3 industrial workshops and more than 40 exhibition stands.

Number of presentations in the program is 443:

  • 375 papers selected after the peer review process
  • 61 invited industrial presentations
  • 7 keynote academic speakers

     Please click here for an overview of INCOM'06 schedule
     Please click here to download the full final program
     Please click here for the program of the 3 industrial meetings associated:
     EMM 2006, BPM'06, JT'06

     Click on the title of each track and session to display the communications included.

 Real Time And Networked Embedded Systems
 [WED-1] - Manufacturing Plant Networked Control
  • Event Driven Applications For Automation Area
       (DE) Riedl M., Diedrich C., Naumann F., Matzekat I.
  • A Degraded Scheduling Generation Of A Component Based Application
       (FR) Khalgui M., Rebeuf X., Simonot-Lion F.
  • Run-Time Reconfigurable Real-Time Operating System For Hybrid Execution Platforms
       (DE) G�tz M., Rettberg A., Pereira C.E.
  • A Comparative Study Of Embedded Protocols For Safety-Critical Control Applications
       (BR) Ataide F.H., Carvalho F.C., Pereira C.E., Wehrmeister M.A.
 [WED-2] - Industrial Communication Protocols
  • Performance Analysis Of Industrial Ethernet Networks By Means Of Timed Model-Checking
       (DE) Witsch D., Vogel-Heuser B., Faure J.-M., Marsal G.
  • Use Of Upper Bound Delay Estimate In Stability Analysis And Robust Control Compensation In Networked Control Systems
       (FR) Georges J.-P., Vatanski N., Rondeau E., Jamsa-Jounela S.-L.
  • Switching Rates To Save Resources In Distributed Computer Control Systems
       (BR) Mauro M., Almeida L., Fuertes J.M.
  • An Ethernet Layer For Supporting Enhanced Real-Time Communication Services
       (IT) Facchinetti T., Franchino G., Pedreiras P., Marau R.
 [THU-1] - IT Issues In Manufacturing Plant Control
  • Sensor Informatics For Manufacturing
       (US) Johnson T.L., Dausch M.E.
  • Information Security For Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems Using Networked Embedded Controllers
       (FI) Delamer I.M., Martinez Lastra J.L.
  • Flexible Information System For Life Cycle Support Of Heterogeneous Networks
       (DE) Wollschlaeger M.
  • ANDDR With Novel Gross Error Detection And Smart Tracking System
       (CA) Laylabadi M.B., Taylor J.H.
 Robotics And Factory Of The Future
 [THU-2] - Industrial Robotics And Factory Automation
  • Kinematic Calibration Of Orthoglide-Type Mechanisms
       (BY) Pashkevich A., Chablat D., Wenger P.
  • Modular Sensor System For Flexi-Picker And Multi-Axis Automated Machines
       (ZA) Asif Shaik A., Bright G., Xu W.L.
  • Task Planner For A Cooperative Disassembly Robotic System
       (ES) Diaz C., Puente S., Torres F.
  • Evolvable Assembly Systems: A Development Roadmap
       (PT) Barata J., Santana P., Onori M.
 [FRI-1] - Mobile Robots
  • Convergence Of Communication With Computing For A Remote Oriented Mobile Minirobot
       (RO) Dobrescu R., Dobrescu M.
  • Decision Making And Image Processing In Robot Soccer - The Challenge Of Fira Mirosot
       (DE) Jesse N.
  • Narosot - Nanotechnology In Robot Soccer
       (AT) Kopacek P., Han M.-W., Putz B., Schierer E., W�rzl M.
  • A Cooperative Mobile Robots Architecture That Enables A Paralyzed Robot To Move
       (FR) Simonin O., Grunder O.
 [FRI-2] - Artificial Intelligence In Robotics
  • Interactive Learning Of Scene-Robot Models Based On Ai Techniques
       (RO) Borangiu T., Anton F., Tunaru S., Dogar A., Ivanescu N.
  • A Fuzzy Hybrid Singularity Avoidance For Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems
       (BR) Dos Santos C.H., Bittencourt G., Guenther R., De Pieri E.
  • Controlling A Platoon Of Vehicles With Distributed Collision Avoidance Capabilities
       (IT) Ferrara A., Vecchio C.
  • Mathematical Modelling of Movement of Intelligent Transport Devices in Automated Warehouses
       (PL) Kharchenko Y., Sobkowski S.
 Dependable Control Of Discrete-Event Systems
 [WED-1] - New Trends In Fault-Tree Analysis Of Automated Systems
  • Pandora: The Time Of Priority-And Gates
       (GB) Walker M., Papadopoulos Y.
  • Obtaining Temporal And Timed Properties Of Logic Controllers From Fault Tree Analysis
       (FR) Barragan Santiago I., Roth M., Faure J.-M.
  • Evolutionary Algorithms For Safety-Costs Trade-Off In Control System Design
       (GB) Grunske L., Papadopoulos Y.
  • Increased efficiency in the quantitative evaluation of state event fault trees by combination of dspn and bdd based techniques
       (DE) F�rster M., Kaiser B.
 [WED-2] - Improving DES Controllers Dependability Using Formal Specification And Verification
  • Dependability Analysis Of Networked Automation Systems By Probabilistic Delay Time Analysis
       (DE) Greifeneder J., Frey G.
  • Verification Of Ethernet Protocols Via Parametric Composition Of Petri Net
       (UA) Zaitsev D.A., Zaitsev I.D.
  • A Functional Modeling Approach For Mode Handling Of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
       (FR) Hamani N., Dangoumau N., Craye E.
  • Formal Specification Of Safe Manufacturing Machines Using The B Method: Application To A Mechanical Press
       (FR) Evrot D., Petin J.-F., Mery D.
 [THU-1] - Improving DES Controllers Dependability Using Supervisory Control Theory
  • Design Of Coordination Controllers For A Class Of Discrete-Event Manufacturing Systems
       (MX) Sanchez A., Aranda-Bricaire E., Hernandez E.
  • Design Of Switching Supervisors For Reactive Class Discrete Event Systems
       (FR) Kamach O., Pietrac L., Niel E.
  • Synthesis Of Supervised Controler Based On Boolean Constraints And Boolean Automata
       (FR) Tajer A., Marange P., Gellot F., Carre-Menetrier V.
  • Panel Discussion: Cooperative Research Networks In Dependable Control Of DES
       Faure J.-M., Frey G., Grunske L., Johnson T., Niel E., Papadopoulos Y., Vogel-Heuser B.
 Discrete Event Systems And Supervisory Control
 [THU-2] - Supervisory Control In Discrete Event Systems
  • On Supervisory Control Of A Class Of Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Nets
       (CN) Zhao M., Li Z.
  • Control Of Constrained (Max,+)-Linear Systems Minimizing Delays
       (FR) Houssin L., Lahaye S., Boimond J.-L.
  • IEC 61131-3 Based Implementation Of PN Supervisors
       (IT) Basile F., Chiacchio P., Teta D.
  • Supervisory Control In Discrete Event Systems: Existence And Solutions
       (FR) Achour Z., Rezg N., Xie X.
 [FRI-1] - Discrete Event Systems And Applications
  • Design & Development Of Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System For Rolling Machine
       (IN) Parikh P., Jafri T.A., Khurasia H.B.
  • Watchdog - A Practical Approach Of Fault Detection
       (HU) Kovacs G., Kiss B., Niel E.
  • Modelling Of The Debts Collection Process For Service Companies
       (FR) Deloffre A., Nait Abdallah R.
  • Geometrical Characterization Of Observability In Switched Linear Systems
       (MX) Ramirez-Trevino A., Ruiz-Leon J., Martinez Barrientos C., Arias-Zambrano F.
 [FRI-2] - Petri Nets And The E-Enterprise
  • High Level Petri Net Base Approach For Analysing Conceptual Objects For Production Systems Simulation
       (FR) Tamani K., Boukezzoula R., Habchi G.
  • A Petri-Net Based Approach For The Reconfiguration Of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Optimization Techniques
       (FR) Bourdeaud'huy T., Toguyeni A.
  • Performance Evaluation Of A Distributed Database- A Banking System Case Study
       (FR) Sene M., Moreaux P., Haddad S.
  • State Feedback Control For The Manufacturing Systems Modeled By Continuous Petri Nets
       (DZ) Kara R., Djennoune S., Loiseau. J.-J.
 Holonic And Multi-Agent Technologies For Industrial Systems
 [WED-1] - Holonic Manufacturing Systems
  • Towards Cooperating Planning And Manufacturing Execution Systems
       (BE) Verstraete P., Valckenaers P.
  • Towards The Assessment Of Holonic Manufacturing Systems
       (CA) Brennan R.W.
  • Holonic Manufacturing Control Using Multi Ant Colony Systems
       (DE) Zuelch G., Stock P.
  • A Holonic Approach For Manufacturing Control: An Industrial Application
       (FR) Blanc P., Demongodin I., Castagna P.
 [WED-2] - Multi-Agent Systems - I
  • Coalition Formation For Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems
       (SK) Oravec V., Frankovic B.
  • Cooperation Between Business And Holonic Manufacturing Decision Systems
       (FR) Pannequin R., Thomas A.
  • An Approach To Inter-Organizational Workflow Management In An Electronic Institution
       (PT) Lopes Cardoso H., Leitao P., Oliveira E.
  • Multiagent Based Support For Electronic Contracting In Virtual Enterprises
       (FR) Gateau B., Boissier O., Khadraoui D.
 [THU-1] - Multi-Agent Systems - II
  • Auction-Based Agent-Oriented Process Control
       (DE) Hussain T., Frey G.
  • Modelling Collaborative Information Systems: The E-Enabled Supply Chain Case
       (FR) Briffaut J.-P., Lallement P.
  • Multi Criteria Decision Making For Supply Chain Partners: A Multi Agent Simulation Approach
       (FR) Chehbi Gamoura S., Ouzrout Y., Bouras A.
  • Using Radio Frequency Identification In Agent-Based Control Systems For Industrial Applications
       (CZ) Vrba P., Macurek F., Marik V.
 [THU-2] - Multi-Agent Systems - III
  • Monitoring As A Means For Discovery Of Crises In Mas
       (PL) Dobrowolski G., Kisiel-Dorohinicki M., Nawarecki E.
  • Cooperative Disruption Management In Industrial Systems: A Multiagent Approach
       (FR) Tranvouez E., Ferrarini A., Espinasse B.
  • Modeling And Optimization Of City Traffic With The Agent Approach
       (PL) Swida P., Kozlak J., Creput J.-C.
  • Agent-Based And Evolutionary Planning Techniques Supporting Crises Management In Transportation Systems
       (PL) Drezewski R., Kisiel-Dorohinicki M., Kozlak J.
 Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
 [FRI-1] - Reconfigurable And Agile Manufacturing Systems
  • Reconfigurable Manufacturing System For Agile Manufacturing
       (ZA) Xing B., Eganza J., Bright G., Potgieter J.
  • Agile Manufacturing System With Autonomously Operated Square Arrayed Machining Cells
       (JP) Fujii S., Kaihara T., Sashio K., Seki T.
  • A Tool For Assessing Reconfigurability Of Distributed Manufacturing Systems
       (GB) Farid A.M., McFarlane D.C.
  • A Framework For Validation Of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
       (FI) Lobov A., Popescu C., Martinez-Lastra J.L.
 [FRI-2] - Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Automation
  • A Real-Time Execution Model For IEC 61499 Based Control Applications
       (AT) Smodic R., Zoitl A., Grabmair G., Strasser T.
  • Petri Net Model Reconfiguration Of Discrete Manufacturing Systems
       (MD) Alcaraz-Mejia M., Lopez-Mellado E.
  • Distributed engineering of modular reconfigurable automation systems
       (UK) Harrison R., Lee S., Ong M.H., West A.A.
  • Performance Measurement Of A Multiagent System In Java-Based Industrial Embedded Controlers
       (FI) Lopez O., Martinez-lastra J.L.
 Networked Enterprise Control System Integration And Interoperability
 [WED-1] - Enterprise Systems Integration And Interoperability
  • Product Centric Holons For Synchronisation And Interoperability In Manufacturing Environments
       (FR) Baina S., Morel G.
  • Interoperability Of Enterprises Network Holonic Control Via HLA
       (FR) Ounnar F., Pujo P., Zahaf A., Giambiasi N.
  • Linking Interoperability And Risk Assessment: A Methodological Approach For Socio-Technical Systems
       (FR) Aloui S., Chapurlat V., Penalva J.-M.
  • Real-Time, Cooperative Enterprises:Requirements And Solution Approaches
       (HU) Monostori L., Vancza J., Kis T., Kadar B., Viharos Z.J.
 [WED-2] - Reference Models And Architectures For Collaborative Networked Organizations
  • Information Exchange In A Cross-Disciplinary Supply Chain: Formal Strategy And Application
       (GB) Cutting-Decelle A.F., Das B.P., Young R.I.M., Case K., Bouchlaghem N.M., Anumba C.J.
  • An Enterprise Model Of Interoperability
       (US) Whitman L.E., Santanu D., Panetto H.
  • Collaborative Information System Design: From Process Model To Information System Model
       (FR) Touzi J., Benaben F., Pingaud H.
  • A Methodology To Develop Interoperability Of Enterprise Applications
       (FR) Daclin N., Chen D., Vallespir B.
 [THU-1] - Enterprise Integration And Interoperability Issues
  • Enterprise Model For Integrating Process Control Into Cam System
       (FR) Bassetto S., Siadat A., Vernadat F., Martin P.
  • An Ontology-Driven Data Mediation Framework For Enterprise Application Integration
       (FR) Izza S., Vincent L., Burlat P., Lebrun P., Solignac H.
  • Interoperability Problems In Supply Chains Context
       (FR) Blanc S., Ducq Y., Vallespir B.
  • Towards A Framework For Integrating Risk And Business Process Management
       (FR) Sienou A., Karduck A., Pingaud H.
 Integration And Information In Manufacturing
 [THU-2] - Information Management In Enterprise
  • Toward A Unified Vision Of The Enterprise Informations
       (FR) Laniel F., Mathieu M., Girardot J.-J.
  • A Framework Of Information And Knowledge Management For Product Design And Development A Text Mining Approach
       (SG) Liu Y., Lu W.F., Loh H.T.
  • Service Oriented Organization For Cross-Enterprise Processes And Distributed Transaction
       (FR) Jaber M., Badr Y., Biennier F.
  • Operations Strategy And Implementing ICTS: The Recipe For Success
       (NZ) Corbett L.M.
 [FRI-1] - Ontology-Based Information Management For Industrial Applications
  • Constructing An Enterprise Ontology For An Automotive Supplier
       (SE) Blomqvist E., Ohgren A.
  • Ontology-Based Information Integration In Automotive Supply Chains
       (RU) Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N.
  • Towards Ontology-Based Requirements Management In Automative Electronics
       (SE) Billig A., Sandkuhl K., Billig A.
  • Integrating Semantic Resources To Support SME Knowledge Communities
       (PT) Silva M. M., L. Soares A., Simoes D.
 [FRI-2] - Industrial Applications
  • Development Of Computer Integrated Manufacturing And Management Systems
       (PL) Izworski A., Lewoc J.B., Skowronski S.
  • Collaborative Distributed Framework For SME Ecosysthems: The Group-Buying Portal Use-Case
       (FR) Lorr� J.-P., Carpentier M., Fabre O.
  • Pattern Based Database Knowledge Extraction
       (PL) Zygmunt M., Kozik J.
  • A Framework For I&C KM Using A CMS With Ontology Extension
       (FR) Dourgnon-Hanoune A., Dang T., Dissert B., Reguigui S.
 Integrated Design Of Product And Manufacturing Process
 [WED-1] - Information Systems For Product And Process Design
  • Case Studies In Model Integration
       (FR) Bigand M., Bourey J.-P., Perry N., Mauchand M.
  • A Conceptual Framework For Product Lifecycle Modeling
       (CN) Shu Q., Wang C.
  • Product Family Modelling, Attributes Rather Than Modules
       (DK) Joergensen K.A.
  • Design And Project Management: Their Coordination On A Platform Of Interoperable Tools
       (FR) Gutierrez Estrada C., Baron C., Duarte H., Esteve D.
 [WED-2] - Collaborative Engineering Tools And Methods
  • A Tool For Analysing Collaborative Practices In Project Design
       (FX) Merlo C., Pol G., Legardeur J., Jared G.
  • Management Of Evolution During Collaborative Design Process
       (FR) Blanc S., Robin V., Ducq Y., Girard P.
  • Expert Knowledge Justification In Plc Models Applied To Flank Milling
       (FR) Candlot A., Harik R.
  • Manufacturing Quality Information Supporting Concurrent Design Decisions
       (FR) Wang K., Roucoules L., Matta N., Tong S., Eynard B.
 [THU-1] - Decision Making For Better Sustenaible Products And Processes
  • Methodology Of Outsourcing Design And Engineering Process
       (JP) Sato S., Roser C., Kubota F., Nakano M.
  • Drawing Data Refining System According To Plant Product Life Cycle
       (JP) Seki H., Tatehora K., Oomasa Y.
  • Designing A Decision Support System For Trucks Predictive Maintenance
       (IT) Sorlini M., Zangiacomi A., Fornasiero R.
  • Evaluation Of A Solution In Interactive Aiding Design Process
       (FR) Vareilles E., Aldanondo M., Gaborit P., Hadj-Hamou K.
 [THU-2] - Integrated Design And Manufacturing Processes
  • Integrated Optimization For Weight, Performance And Cost Of Composite Structures
       (FR) Park C.H., Saouab A., Breard J., Han W.S., Vautrin A.
  • Cost Evaluation For Welding Process By Using Preparing Features
       (TN) Chayoukhi S., Bouaziz Z., Zghal A.
  • Numerical Modelling Of Compression Moulding For Improvement Of Mechanical Properties
       (FR) Kim M.S., Han W.S., Vautrin A., Lee W.I.
  • Optimization In Design Of Unit Head Machines With A Mobile Table
       (FR) Dolgui A., Guschinskaya O., Guschinsky N., Levin G.
 [FRI-1] - Total Integration Of CAX Processes
  • Feature-Based Process Planning For Interoperable STEP-NC Manufacture
       (GB) Liu R., Nassehi A., Allen R.D., Newman S.T.
  • A New Software Platform For STEP-NC Manufacturing Application Development
       (GB) Nassehi A., Allen R.D., Newman S.T.
  • The Certification Of CAM Output Toolpaths: A Necessary Improvement
       (FR) Duc E., Pateloup V., Ray P.
  • A Process Modelling Approach For Design Of Experiments Software
       (DE) Weckenmann A., Brenner P.-F.
 [FRI-2] - PLM And Information Tracking Using Smart Embedded Systems
  • System Architecture For Closed-Loop Plm
       (CH) Jun H.-B., Shin J.-H., Kiritsis D., Xirouchakis P.
  • Globally Unique Product Identifiers- Requirements And Solutions To Product Lifecycle Management
       (FI) Framling K., Harrison M., Brusey J.
  • Enriching Product Information During The Product Lifecycle
       (FI) Framling K., Rabe L.
  • Early Data Processing In Smart Item Environments Using Mobile Services
       (DE) Anke J., Neugebauer M.
 Intelligent And Collaborative Maintenance In Manufacturing
 [THU-2] - Monitoring Strategies For Intelligent Predictive Maintenance
  • Information And Communication Technologies In Condition Monitoring And Maintenance
       (SE) Campos J., Prakash O.
  • Inspection Strategy For Availability Improvement
       (CA) Ait-Kadi D., Chelbi A.
  • Diagnosis Of Tool Wear With A Microcontroller
       (FI) Jantunen E., Vaajoensuu E.
  • Diagnosis Tasks Scheduling Based On A Distributed Multiprocessors System
       (US) Niang B., Adjallah K.H., Ndiaye P.A.
 [FRI-1] - Collaboration And Optimization For Maintenance Decision Making
  • Maintenance Work Coordination In Electricity Distribution
       (EE) Kangilaski T.
  • Service Oriented Semantics In Industrial Operation And Maintenance Environment
       (FI) Viinikkala M., Kuikka S.
  • Production Line Simulation Using Stochastic Timed Petri-Net For Maintenance Scheudling
       (US) Lei Y., Liu J., Ni J., Lee J.
  • Joint Quality Control And Preventive Maintenance Strategy For Imperfect Production Processes
       (FR) Radhoui M., Rezg N., Chelbi A.
 [FRI-2] - Reliability And Safety Of Industrial Systems
  • CP-Based Project Driven Manufacturing
       (PL) Banaszak Z.A., Zaremba M.B., Muszynski W.
  • A Conceptual Structure For The Use Of Near-Misses Properties
       (IT) Cavalieri S., Ghislandi W.M.
  • Reliability And Safety Of Restorable System For Maintenance Resources Planning
       (PL) Jazwinski J., Szpytko J.
  • Structural-Technological Reserve And Its Use For Increasing Stability Of Manufacturing Systems
       (PL) Kulba V., Pavlov B., Zaikin O.
 Advanced Manufacturing Systems
 [WED-1] - Innovative Production Machines And Systems
  • Model-Based Machine Condition Monitoring With Web Access.
       (GB) Victory J.L., Ebrahimi M.K.
  • A Neuro-Fuzzy Scheme For Process Control During Complex Curvature Friction Stir Welding
       (ZA) Van Niekerk T.I., Hua T., Hattingh D.G.
  • Adaptive Knowledge-Based Action Selection Architecture For Multiple Mobile Robots
       (GB) Pham D.T., Awadalla M.H., Eldukhri E.E.
  • Service-Oriented Architecture For Field Control Devices
       (IT) Ferrarini L., Veber C., Schwab C., Tangermann M.
 [WED-2] - Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  • A Simulation-Based Equipment Environment For Flexible Manufacturing Systems
       (TW) Huang Y.-S.
  • On Just In Time Control Of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Via Dioid Algebra
       (FR) Alsaba M., Boimond J.-L., Lahaye S.
  • Joint production and supply control in three levels flexible manufacturing systems
       (CA) Hajji A., Gharbi A., Kenne J.P.
  • Product-Driven Control In Manufacturing Systems Using IEC 61499 And RFID Technology
       (DE) Panjaitan S., Frey G.
 [THU-1] - New Trends And Challenges In Mechatronics
  • Experimental Study Of Collaborator In Human-Machine System
       (JP) Ohtsuka H., Shibasato K., Kawaji S.
  • Modeling Of A New SMA Microactuator For Active Endoscopy Applications
       (FR) Abadie J., Chaillet N., Lexcellent C.
  • Optimising The Control Parameters In A Digital Mass Flow Controller
       (FR) Couturier P.
  • Robograpes: A Fully Automated Machine For Grafting Vine Cuttings
       (IT) Mazzon S., Salvador E., Bortolussi G., Piccinin M., Zanatta G.
 Models For Competence And Knowledge Management
 [WED-1] - Modelling And Simulation Of Human Performance
  • Manpower Allocation And Shift Scheduling Using Human Performance Simulation
       (HK) Lau H.Y.K., Woo S.O., Choi C.Y.
  • A Dynamic Model For The Behavior Of An Operator In A Company
       (FR) Elkosantini S., Gien D.
  • Qualification-Based Manufacturing Planning Based On Computer-Supported Modelling And Simulation
       (DE) Z�lch G., Becker M.
  • Considering Polyvalence When Minimizing Workload Fulfillment
       (FR) Gruat La Forme F.-A., Botta-Genoulaz V., Campagne J.-P.
 [WED-2] - Competence Modelling For Decision Support Systems
  • Human Systems Engineering Instrumented By Modelling Techniques
       (GB) Ajaefobi J.O., Weston R.H.
  • Products, Organisation, And Processes Architectures Modeling: From Strategic Expectations To Strategic Competencies
       (FR) Harmel G., Bonjour E., Dulmet M.
  • Competence Management For Business Integration
       (FR) Houe R., Grabot B., Geneste L.
  • Business intelligence and Human Capital Management
       (FR) De Lassence G.
 [THU-1] - Knowledge Modelling For Value Chain Management
  • Formalisation Of Norms For Recyclability Assessment
       (FR) Houe R., Grabot B.
  • An Approach To Assess Knowledge Cruciality For Industrial Project
       (FR) Saad I., Grundstein M., Rosenthal-Sabroux C.
  • Knowledge, Skills And Culture In Production: A Framework
       (FR) Koenig J., Geiskopf F., Caillaud E., Sonntag M.
  • Competence Based Supply Value Chain Effectiveness
       (TR) Kayakutlu G., Buyukozkan G.
 Integrated Engineering In Industry
 [THU-2] - Mixed Reality A Tool For Cost Effective Collaborative Engineering
  • Energy Interfaces For Mixed Reality
       (DE) Yoo Y.-H., Bruns W.
  • Distributed Workspaces
       (DE) Erbe H.-H.
  • Mixed Reality For Efficient Engineering Collaboration:The Aero-Cave Extension
       (DE) Pratsch D.
  • Mixed Reality For Teleoperation Of Mobile Robots In Search And Rescue Scenarios
       (DE) Driewer F., Sauer M., Schilling K.
 [FRI-1] - Integrated Product And Process Design For Market Driven Supply Chains: Spotlight On The Automotive Industry
  • Concept Of An Individual Vehicle Check With Formalized Models And Methods
       (DE) Schmidt C., Diedrich C.
  • ICT As An Enabler To The 5-Day Car: A Central Challenge To The ILIPT Project
       (DE) Witthaut M., Stone G., Miemczyk J., Hellingrath B.
  • Establishing Build To Order In The European Automotive Sector
       (GB) Stone G., Miemczyk J., Howard M., Graves A., Esser R.
  • Inter-Enterprise Collaborative Processes In A Pure BTO Automotive Manufacturing System
       (DE) Nayabi K., Baumgaertel H., Bischoff J., Mandel J.
 [FRI-2] - Automotive Automation Issues
  • The OPC In Warehouse Mangement System
       (PT) Alvarinhas H., Miguel N., Quinta A., Santos J.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis For BTO Planning And Execution Processes
       (UK) Keller M.
  • The Role Of Inventory In Enabling Supply Chain Responsiveness
       (UK) Reichhart A., Framinan J.M., Holweg M.
  • Innovative Modular Valve Trains For 2015 Logistic Benefits By Electromagnetic Valve Actuation
       (UK) Huth T., Elsen O., Hartwig C., Esch T.
 Design Of Production Systems
 [WED-1] - Stochastic Models Of Production Systems I
  • Optimization Of Continuous-Flow Transfer Lines With Delay Using IPA
       (FR) Mourani I., Hennequin S., Xie X.
  • Performance Evaluation Of Production Systems Monitored By Statistical Process Control And Offline Inspections
       (IT) Colledani M., Tolio T.
  • Production Control With Advanced Demand Information In A Join-Type Production Line
       (JP) Nakade K., Hiraiwa M.
  • The Effect Of Dynamic Worker Behavior On Flowline Performance
       (IT) Digiesi S., Kock A.A.A., Mummolo G., Rooda J.E.
 [WED-2] - Stochastic Models Of Production Systems II
  • Selection Of Inventory Control Points In Multistage Pull Systems
       (US) Askin R.G., Krishnan S.
  • omprehensive Design Of An Order Picking Line By Simulation
       (PL) Kawczynski L., Aguilar-Sommar R.
  • A Model For An Assembly System Under Lead Time Uncertainty
       (CA) Chauhan S.S., Dolgui A., Louly M.-A., Proth J.-M.
  • Estimating And Announcing Waiting Times In Multiple Customer Class Call Centers
       (FR) Jouini O., Dallery Y.
 [THU-1] - Line Balancing And Layout
  • Facility Layout Problems: A Literature Analysis
       (FR) Drira A., Pierreval H., Hajri-Gabouj S.
  • A Generalized Cell Formation Problem In Dynamic Environment With Different Inter And Intra-Cell Batch Sizes
       (IR) Safaei N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R., Jabal-Ameli S.
  • Weld Reallocation In An Automotive Robotic Line Due To Robots Failures
       (IL) Kahan T., Bukchin Y., Menassa R., Ben-Gal I.
  • A Comparative Evaluation Of Exact And Heuristic Methods For Transfer Line Balancing Problem
       (FR) Guschinskaya O., Dolgui A.
 [THU-2] - Product Design And Resource Planning
  • A Methodology For Modular Discrete Event Simulation Of Manufacturing Systems
       (SE) Johansson B.
  • Selection Of A Modules Stock Composition Using Genetic Algorithm
       (CA) Agard B., Cheung B., Da Cunha C.
  • Resource Planning Algorithm For Personalizing Networks
       (CA) Poulin M., Montreuil B.
  • Optimizing Modular Machining Line Design Problem
       (FR) Bemokhtar S., Dolgui A., Delorme X., Ignatenko I.
 [FRI-1] - Production System Design Methodology
  • Generation Of A Model For Comparing Manufacturing And Natural Responses
       (GB) Wolfer S.
  • Comparison Of Process Structure Complexity In Manufacturing Before And After Redesign
       (SK) Modrak V.
  • Towards A Reference Model For Problem-Solving In Manufacturing System Design
       (FR) Guenebaut A., Barth M., De Guio R.
  • Efficient Engineering Of Flexible Assembly Lines In Discrete Manufacturing
       (DE) Schilli B., Mechler G., Fay A., Bort P., Drath R.
 [FRI-2] - Production Control Systems
  • Outline Of A Framework For Analysis Of Manufacturing Systems Using The PAC Scheme
       (CA) MacDonald C., Gunn E.
  • AMarking Optimization Of Weighted Marked Graphs: A Modified Simulated Annealing Algorithm
       (FR) Toursi L., Sauer N.
  • A Logic-Algebraic Method Based And Clp-Driven Approach To Control Of Concourrently Competing Cyclic Processes
       (PL) Banaszak Z., Wojcik R., Muszynski W.
  • EM Algorithm For Solving The Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing Problem
       (FR) Gu L., Hennequin S., Sava A., Xie X.
 Scheduling For Modern Manufacturing, Logistics And Supply Chains
 [WED-1] - Production Planning And Scheduling
  • Thermal Test Scheduling Using Constraint Programming
       (IE) Little J., Goyal S., Creed P., Berry S., Cokely D.
  • Process Design For Efficient Scheduling
       (IE) Little J., Selensky E., Beck J.C.
  • L-Class Enumeration Algorithms For One Interval Production Planning Problem
       (RU) Devyaterikova M.V., Kolokolov A.A.
  • A Home Automation System To Improve Household Energy Control
       (FX) Ha D.-L., Ploix S., Zamai E., Jacomino M.
 [WED-2] - Flow Shop Scheduling
  • Scheduling Of Flexible Flow Lines With Blocking By Memetic Algorithms
       (IR) Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R., Safaei N., Torabi S.A.
  • Two-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling With An Interstage Transporter: Two Shipments
       (GB) Soper A.J., Strusevich V.A.
  • A New Heuristic-EM For Permutation Flowshop Scheduling
       (FR) Yuan K., Hennequin S., Wang X., Gao L.
  • Flowshop Scheduling Problem With Batching Machines And Task Compatibilities
       (FR) Kamgaing Kuiteing A., Oulamara A., Finke G.
 [THU-1] - Job Shop Scheduling
  • Sequence-Dependent Setup And Clean-Up Times In A Two-Machine Job-Shop With Minimizing Makespan
       (DE) Sotskov Y. N., Werner F.
  • A Tabu Search Algorithm For Solving A Bicriteria Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
       (FR) Vilcot G., Billaut J-C., Esswein C.
  • Predictive And Proactive Approaches For RCPSP With Labour Constraints
       (FR) Drezet L-E., Billaut J-C.
  • Optimizing Cyclic Scheduling In A Job-Shop Using Event Graphs: Still An Open Problem
       (FR) Duron C., Proth J.-M.
 [THU-2] - Cyclic Scheduling
  • Flow-Shop Cyclic Scheduling For Cyclic Deliveries
       (TN) Bahroun Z., Campagne J.-P., Moalla M.
  • Application Of Improved Hopfield Network To Cyclic Task Scheduling
       (IE) Low K.S., Kechadi M.-T.
  • Two Approaches Of The Cyclic Scheduling With Assembly
       (FR) Trouillet B., Dupas R., Goncalvez G., Tsu T.
  • Scheduling In A Three-Machine Flexible Robotic Cell
       (TR) Gultekin H., Akturk M.S., Karasan O.E.
 [FRI-1] - Scheduling Heuristics
  • Finite Horizon Elsp In Flexible Flow Lines With Unrelated Parallel Machines
       (IR) Torabi S.A., Jenabi M., Fatemi Ghomi S.M.T., Jolai F., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R.
  • A Comparison Of Heuristics For Mean Flow Time Open Shop Scheduling
       (DE) Braesel H., Herms A., Moerig M., Tautenhahn T., Tusch J., Werner F., Willenius P.
  • A Mathematical Model For Cyclic Scheduling With Work-In-Progress Minimization
       (FR) Bourdeaud�huy T., Korbaa O.
 [FRI-2] - Theoretical Aspects Of Scheduling
  • A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme For Two Project Scheduling Problems
       (RU) Servakh V., Shcherbinina T.
  • On-Line Algorithms For Single Machine Scheduling With Family Setup Times
       (GB) Potts C.N., Strusevich V.A., Whitehead J.D.
  • Scheduling Of Coupled Tasks And One-Machine No-Wait Robotic Cells
       (FR) Brauner N., Finke G., Lebacque V., Potts C., Whitehead J.
  • Cyclic Properties Of Triangular Grid Graphs
       (BY) Orlovich Y., Gordon V., Werner F.
 Supply Networks Design And Management
 [WED-1] - Flexible And Collaborative Production
  • Modeling Cooperation Links Within Networks Of Firms A Case Study
       (FR) Benali M., Burlat P.
  • Analysis Of Collaborative Networks Using The Extremal Graph Theory
       (IT) Antonelli D., Caroleo B.
  • Modelling Information Sharing In A VMI Environment With Inventory Hub
       (IE) Lanning I., Heavey C.
  • A Modeling Framework For Organization Networks
       (FR) Zaidat A., Vincent L., Boucher X.
 [WED-2] - Extended Entreprise
  • Digital Traceability From Design To Manufacturing In Extended Enterprises
       (ES) Garrido Campos J., Rodriguez Miguez L.
  • Model Checking In Planning Resource-Sharing Based Manufacturing
       (EE) Otto T., Vain J.
  • A Survey On Some Aspects Of Ambient Intelligence
       (HU) Kov�cs G.L., Kop�csi S.
  • Including Kitting Decisions In The Design Of Supply Chains For The Aeronautic Industry
       (CA) Ramudhin A., Pronovost J.
 [THU-1] - Supply Chain Performance Measurement
  • Value Stream Oriented Planning Of Supply Networks
       (IT) Matt D.T.
  • Management By Performance Of Supply Chain Processes With The Reed Method
       (FR) Lauras M., Pingaud H., Lamothe J.
  • Performance Measurement In Supply Chain Supported By System Dynamics
       (IT) Rafele C., Cagliano A.C.
  • Overall Performance Measurement In A Supply Chain
       (FR) Cliville V., Berrah L.
 [THU-2] - Virtual Organizations
  • Creation Of Virtual Organizations In A Breeding Environment
       (PT) Camarinha-Matos L.M., Afsarmanesh H.
  • A Methodology For Performance Analysis Of SMES Networks
       (IT) Villa A., Antonelli D., Cassarino I.
  • Process Improvement In A Virtual Organization Focused On Product Development Using Collaborative Environment
       (MX) Penaranda N., Galeano N., Romero D., Mej�a R., Molina A.
  • Variety, Postponement And Reconfiguration: Insights From Automotive Order Fulfilment Systems
       (GB) MacCarthy B., Brabazon P.G
 [FRI-1] - Supply Networks
  • Rebate System For Quality Improvement Under Supply Chain Environment
       (JP) Kusukawa E., Kudo K., Ohta H.
  • A Preliminary Study On Safety Stock Placement In Capacitated Supply Chains
       (BE) Sitompul C., Aghezzaf E.-H., Chen H., Dullaert W.
  • Dynamical Synthesis And Reconfiguration Of Competence-Cell-Based Production Networks
       (DE) Ivanov D.A., Zschorn L., Kaeschel J., Sokolov B.V., Archipov A.V.
  • An Optimization Model For Tailings Distribution In An Oilsand Industry
       (CA) Hammami A., Abbaoui Y., Savoie C., Ait-Kadi D.
 [FRI-2] - OR Methods For Supply Chain Design And Management
  • A Petri Net Based Decision Support System For Purchasing Management In Supply Chains
       (IT) Costantino N., Dotoli M., Falagario M., Fanti M.P., Iacobellis G.
  • A Lagrangean Heuristic For An Inbound Supply Chain
       (MA) Kebe S., Penz B., Sbihi N.
  • On The Selection Of Effective And Robust Supply Chain Network Designs
       (CA) Klibi W., Martel A.
  • Investment In Supply Chain Infrastructure
       (FR) Kogan K., Tapiero C.S.
 Production And Logistics
 [WED-1] - Forecasting In Logistics Of Production And Inventory
  • Demand Forecasting For Multiple Slow-Moving Items With Low Consumption And Short Requests History
       (FR) Dolgui A., Pashkevich M.
  • Why Do Companies Not Produce Better Forecasts Overtime? An Organisational Learning Approach
       (GB) Nikolopoulos K., Stafylarakis M., Goodwin P., Fildes R.
  • Smoothing And Adjustments Of Demand Forecasts For Inventory Control
       (GB) Syntetos A.A., Boylan J.E.
 [WED-2] - Dynamic Lot Sizing
  • Lot Streaming And Pegging To Integrate Production Planning And Scheduling
       (FR) Robert A., Le Pape C.
  • Dynamic Programming Approach For A Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem Coupled With Transportation Activities
       (FR) Akbalik A., Larbi R., Penz B.
  • Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem With Setup Times, Stock And Demand Shortages
       (FR) Absi N., Kedad-Sidhoum S.
  • A New Approach For Solving Integrated Planning And Scheduling Problem
       (FR) Wolosewicz C., Dauzere-Peres S., Aggoune R.
 [THU-1] - Reverse Logistics
  • Combining Reverse Logistics Transport Of Hazardous Material Returns With Distribution
       (CA) Lambert S., Riopel D.
  • Operational Vehicle Routing Within Hydro-Quebec'S Reverse Logistics Network
       (CA) Ayas J., Riopel D., Langevin A.
  • A Make-To-Stock Queue With Product Returns
       (FR) Gayon J.-P.
  • Intelligent Agent Technology For Reverse Logistics
       (IN) Wadhwa S., Madaan J.
 Production Planning And Inventory Control
 [THU-2] - Production Planning Under Uncertainties
  • A SubOptimal Policy Applied To Production Planning Problem Under Exogenous Demand
       (BR) Silva Filho O.S., Cezarino W.
  • A Local Search Algorithm For The Inventory Matching Problem In A Steel Company
       (BE) Raa B., Van Der Stricht W.
  • Decision Support For Supply Chain Planning Under Uncertainty
       (FR) Galasso F., Merce C., Grabot B.
  • Evaluating The Impact Of Misplacement Errors On Decentralized Retail Supply Chain
       (FR) Rekik Y., Jemai Z., Sahin E., Dallery Y.
 [FRI-1] - Advances In Inventory Policies
  • An Analysis Of Forecast Based Reorder Point Policies: The Benefit Of Using Forecasts
       (FR) Babai M.Z., Dallery Y.
  • A Discrete EOQ Problem With Maximum Order Size Costs
       (BY) Kovalyov M.Y., Cheng T.C.E., Kotov V., Ng C.T.
  • Evolution Of Kanban Systems Thanks To A (Max,+) Algebra Analysis
       (FR) Cottenceau B., Hardouin L., Ouerghi I.
  • Efficient Heuristics To Design A Stock Of Semi-Finished Products
       (FR) Yahiaoui A., Frein Y.
 [FRI-2] - Information Sharing And Coordination
  • Supply Chain Modelling And Control Under Proportional Inventory-Replenishment Policies
       (GB) Papanagnou C., Halikias G.D.
  • Inventory Control In A Decentralized Two-Stage Make-To-Stock Queuing System
       (FR) Arda Y., Hennet J.-C.
  • A Framework For Information Sharing And Cooperation In A Depot Problem
       (FR) Mehrabi A., Campagne J.-P., Baboli A.
  • Analysis Of RHF Contracts Under Highly Variable Externalised Demand
       (IE) Walsh P.M., Williams P.A., Heavey. C.
 Transportation And Logistics
 [WED-1] - Traffic Control
  • Analysis Of Optimal Trajectory For Re-Entry Vehicle
       (KR) Lee D., Cho K.
  • An Urban Traffic Control System Using Timed Coloured Petri Nets
       (TW) Huang Y.-S., Chung T.-H.
  • Multi-Agent Model Predictive Control For Transportation Networks: Serial Versus Parallel Schemes
       (NL) Negenborn R.R., De Schutter B., Hellendoorn H.
  • Bond-Graphs Traffic Flow Modelling And Feedback Control
       (FR) Iordanova V., Abouaissa H., Jolly D.
 [WED-2] - Routing Problems
  • A Multi Objective Model For The Robust Aircraft Routing
       (IN) Nitika, Pal M.N., Pal A.K.
  • A Location-Districting Heuristic For Arc Routing Problems
       (GB) Muyldermans L.
  • Hybrid Genetic Algorithm To Approach The DaRP In A Demand Responsive Passenger Service
       (IT) Carotenuto P., Cis C., Storchi G.
  • Evolutionary Algorithms For The Capacitated Arc Routing Problems With Time Windows
       (FR) Ramdane-Cherif W.
 [THU-1] - Timetabling In Public Transportation
  • Spectral Theory In (Max, Plus) Algebra For Performance Evaluation In A Transport Network
       (FR) Nait-Sidi-Moh A., Manier M.-A., El Moudni A.
  • Designing A Multi-Agent System For Cooperative Train Dispatching
       (NL) D'Ariano A., Hemelrijk R.
  • Timetable Synthesis Using (Max,Plus) Algebra
       (FR) Houssin L., Lahaye S., Boimond J.L.
  • Stability Evaluation Of A Railway Timetable At The Station Level
       (FR) Delorme X., Gandibleux X., Rodriguez J.
 [THU-2] - OR-Case Studies And Data Mining
  • Destination Estimation From Public Transport Smartcard Data
       (CA) Trepanier M., Chapleau R.
  • Usage Of OR-Tools For Logistics Support In Forest Operations At Sveaskog After The Storm Gudrun
       (NO) Broman H., Frisk M., Ronnqvist M.
  • Scheduling Moves Within Railcar Maintenance Centers
       (FR) Ramond F., Dauzere-Peres S., De Almeida D.
  • Mining Public Transport User Behaviour From Smart Card Data
       (CA) Agard B., Morency C., Trepanier M.
 Location And Dynamic Pricing
 [FRI-1] - Locational Analysis
  • Solving Minimax Location Problems On Networks With Admissible Maximal Distances
       (RU) Zabudsky G.G., Filimonov D.V.
  • Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm For The Capacitated Plant Location Problem
       (RU) Levanova T.V., Loresh M.A.
  • A Bicriteria Problem Of Optimal Service Centers Location
       (RU) Kolokolov A.A., Zaozerskaya L.A.
  • New Formulations And Valid Inequalities For The Toll Setting Problem
       (BE) Heilporn G., Labbe M., Marcotte P., Savard G.
 [FRI-2] - Revenue Management And Dynamic Pricing
  • A Bilevel Approach To Optimal Pricing
       (FR) Brotcorne L., Cote J.-P., Marcotte P., Savard G.
  • Revenue Management Of Auto Train At Amtrak
       (US) Sibdari S., Lin K., Chellappan S.
  • Optimal Product Segmentation With Strategic Customers
       (CA) Kim S.-W., Anderson C.K, Wilson J.G.
  • Dynamic Pricing With Online Learning Of General Reservation Price Distribution
       (CA) Levina T., Levin Y., McGill J., Nediak M.
 Novel Models And Approaches For Semiconductor Manufacturing
 [WED-1] - Round Table With Industrials And Academics On "Gap Between Theory And Practice"
  • Gap Between Theory And Practice
       (US) Ignizio J.
  • Round Table With Industrials And Academics
 [WED-2] - Automated Material Handling Systems
  • Zone-Based Vehicle Control In Unified AMHS For Wafer Fabs
       (CO) Montoya-Torres J.R., Dauzere-Peres S., Vermarien L., Marian H.
  • Integration Of Real Factory Variability In AMHS Simulations For Wafer Fabs
       (DE) Glueer D., Sturm R.
  • Approach For Artificial Load Generation For Acceptance Test Of AMHS
       (DE) Fischmann C., Muckenhirn R., Sturm R.
 [THU-1] - Industrial Session
  • Gantt Charts For Production Flow Framework
       (IT) Genua C., Giuffrida S., Rinaudo S.
  • Creation Of E-Learning Content For Microelectronics Manufacturing
       (DE) Oechsner R. et al.
  • Flying Wafer - A Standardised Methodology For Multi-Site Processing Of 300 Mm Wafers At Research And Development-Sites
       (DE) Frickinger J. et al.
  • An Overview Of An Original Wip Management Framework At A High Volume / High Mix Facility
       (FR) Vialletelle P. , France G.
 [THU-2] - Production Planning And Control
  • Processes Clusters For Organisational Urbanism
       (FR) Boucher X., Chapron J., Burlat P., Lebrun P.
  • The Mythical Advanced Planning Systems In Complex Manufacturing Environment
       (TW) Lin C.-H., Hwang S.-L., Wang M.-Y.E.
  • Achieving Reduced Cycle Times In Semiconductor Manufacturing Via Effective Control Of The P-K Equation Factors
       (IL) Kalir A., Bouhnik S.
  • Lumped Parameter Modelling Of The Litho Cell
       (NL) Kock A.A.A., Etman L.F.P., Rooda J.E.
 [FRI-1] - Scheduling And Dispatching
  • A Survey Of Dispatching Rules For Operational Control In Wafer Fabrication
       (US) Varadarajan A., Sarin S.C.
  • Bi-Criteria Scheduling On A Batching Machine With Non-Identical Job Sizes
       (IR) Kashan A.H., Karimi B., Jolai F.
  • A Batch Optimization Solver For Diffusion Area Scheduling In Semiconductor Manufacturing
       (CA) Artigues C., Dauzere-Peres S., Derreumaux A., Sibille O., Yugma C.
 Special Session On Education And Training
 [FRI-2] - E-Learning And Innovative Pedagogies
  • Developing Of An Intelligent Enterprise Staff Electronic Learning Component
       (LT) Bielskis A.A., Bielskis P., Povilanskas R.
  • Integrating Mobile Robots Development And Competitions In Engineering Curricula
       (PT) Cardeira C., Sousa J.M.C., Caldas Pinto J.R., Ayala Botto M., Ramalho M., Sa Da Costa J.
  • Pid Controller Tuning Remote Experiment With Learning Environment Integration
       (BR) Schaf F.M., Pereira C.E.
  • Web Enabled CNC Milling Machine Control
       (PT) Dias N., Alvarinhas H., Quinta A., Santos J.
 Metaheuristics And Soft Computing In Industrial Applications
 [WED-1] - Metaheuristics For Combinatorial Optimization
  • Simulated Annealing Applied To The Rotational Polygon Packing
       (BR) De Castro T., De Sales M.M., Tsuzuki G.
  • Multicriteria Maintenance Problem Resolved By Tabu Search
       (BE) Lust T., Teghem J.
  • A Tabu Search Method For The Non-Oriented Two-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem
       (FR) El Hayek J., Moukrim A., Negre S.
 [WED-2] - Fuzzy Logic Or Metaheuristics In Industrial Applications
  • A Genetic Local Search Algorithm For Minimizing The Total Weighted Tardiness In A Job-Shop
       (FR) Essafi I., Mati Y.
  • Neural Modelling And Control Of A Crystal Growth Process In Cane Sugar Industry
       (RE) Beyou S., Grondin-Perez B., Benne M., Lorion R.
  • Fuzzy Controller Of The Air System Of A Diesel Engine
       (FR) Arnold J.-F., Langlois N., Chafouk H., Tremouliere G.
  • Fuzzy Controller Tuning For UPFC Boost Rectifier By Experimental Designs
       (FR) Faucher J., Tonero A., Maussion P.
 [THU-1] - Intelligent Systems And Intelligent Information Processing
  • A Novel Method To Shorten Inspection Process: A Case Study
       (TW) Su C.-T., Yang T., Chen L.-S., Chiang T.-L
  • Genetic Algorithms For Supply Management Problem With Lower-Bounded Demands
       (RU) Borisovsky P., Dolgui A., Eremeev A.
  • A Memetic Algorithm With Population Management For A Production-Distribution Problem
       (FR) Boudia M., Louly M.A., Prins C.
  • Rescheduling Of Logistic Processes Using GA And ACO
       (PT) Silva C.A., Sousa J.M., Runkler T., Sa Da Costa J.M.G.
 Simulation In Industrial Engineering
 [THU-2] - Simulation For Enterprise Engineering
  • Simulation Platform In The Virtual Factory Laboratory System
       (CN) Fang H., Feng Y., Rong G.
  • A Simulation Study Of The Crankshaft Line In An Automotive Factory
       (KR) Moon D.H., Xu T., Shin W.Y.
  • Virtual Factory Simulation Platform And Its Application
       (CN) Wu Y., Zhang J., Feng Y., Rong G.
  • A Simulation Testbed For Decision System Evaluation In A Furniture Manufacturing Group
       (FR) Klein T., Thomas A.
 [FRI-1] - Simulation In Logistics
  • Handling Uncertainty In Production Activity Control Using Proactive Simulation
       (FR) Cardin O., Castagna P.
  • Risk Analysis For Cooperation Policies Benefits In Reducing The Bullwhip Effect
       (FR) Mahmoudi J., Lamothe J., Thierry S.
  • Feasibility Evaluation Of Multi-Site Scheduling By Distributed Simulation Of Virtual Workshops
       (FX) Enjalbert S., Archimede B., Charbonnaud P.
  • XML-Nets For Simulation Of The Supply Chain Processes
       (RO) Serbencu A., Minzu V., Cernega D.C.
 [FRI-2] - Simulation And Optimization
  • A Simulation Based Approach For Optimization Of Multi-Stage Production-Distribution Systems With Batch Order
       (FR) Li J., Sava A., Xie X.
  • Using Constraint Programming And Simulation For Execution Monitoring And Progressive Scheduling
       (FR) Bidot J., Laborie P., C. Beck J., Vidal T.
  • Simulation And Integer Programming Approach For Efficient Shift Design
       (FR) Trilling L., Albert F., Marcon E.
  • Optimization Of Production Capacity In Intangible Flow Production Systems
       (PL) Korytkowski P.
 Special Event: Innovative Engineering Techniques In Healthcare Delivery
 [WED-1] - Operation Management - I
  • Endoscopies Scheduling Problem: A Case Study
       (BE) Fei H., Meskens N., Combes C., Chu C.
  • Operations Management Related Activities For Home Health Care Providers
       (FR) Chahed S., Matta A., Sahin E., Dallery Y.
  • Dynamic Management Of Perioperative Processes: A Modeling And Visualization Paradigm
       (US) Xiao Y., Wasei M., Hu P., Wieringa P., Dexter F.
  • Optimization Methods For Surgery Planning Under Uncertain Demand For Emergency Surgery
       (FR) Lamiri M., Grimaud F., Xie X.
 [WED-2] - Work Organization Optimization
  • Improving The Efficiency Of A Clinical Laboratory: A Mathematical Approach
       (IT) Bruni M.E., Beraldi P., Conforti D.
  • Renovation Of Mercy Family Health Center
       (US) Haji M., Wang L., Wong Y., Darabi H.
  • Nurse Scheduling Using Integer Linear Programming And Contraint Programming
       (FR) Trilling L., Guinet A., Le Magny D.
  • How To Combine Transversal Staff Skills In Operating Rooms?
       (FR) Albert F., Marcon E.
 [THU-1] - Process Engineering And Performance Evaluation
  • Monitoring Waiting Times (Mean Tardiness) On The Day Of Elective Surgery
       (US) Dexter F., Marcon E., Epstein R.H.
  • Process Reengineering And Information System Design For Physical Examination Center
       (CN) Qiang S., Xiaoyun Y., Zhibin J., Guotong Z.
  • Activity Simulation Within A Radiology Department With Limited Nurse Resources
       (IT) Celano G., Fichera S., Guglielmino M.G., Trefiletti M.
  • Methodology For Designing Medical Devices Packages Based On Sterilisation Costs
       (FR) Reymondon F., Pellet B., Marcon E.
 [THU-2] - Operation Management - II
  • Using Constraint Programming For Solving Dynamic Scheduling In The Endoscopy Unit
       (FR) Elkhyari A., Combes C.
  • Supplying The Theatre Blocks: Cyclic And Supply Chain Approaches
       (FR) Hammami S., Ruiz A., Ladet P., Hadj-Alouane A.B.
  • Re-organizing The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Dowsntream: Implementation A New Pharmacy
       (FR) Hassan T., Baboli A., Guinet A., Leboucher G., Brandon M.-T.
 [FRI-1] - Workflow In Health Care
  • Tutorial: OR Efficiency For Staffing And Scheduling Before And On The Day Of Surgery (1/2)
       Dexter F.
  • Tutorial: OR Efficiency For Staffing And Scheduling Before And On The Day Of Surgery (2/2)
       Dexter F.
  • Organization Of The Production Of Sterile Medical Devices
       (FR) Di Mascolo M., Gouin A., Ngo Cong K.
  • Innovations in Health Care Delivery: An Indian Case Study
       (IN) Ravichandran N.
 Industrial Case Studies
 [FRI-2] - Process Modelling And Simulation
  • A Neural Network Architecture For Process Time Estimation - An Application In Petroleum Well Operations
       (BR) Roisenberg M., Coelho D.K., De Freitas Filho P.J., Jacinto C.M.C.
  • Evaluation Of Online Optimization Using Dynamic Simulation Environment
       (JP) Takatsu H., Nozaki T., Okada K.
  • Distributed Simulation Environment To Evaluate Manufcturing Systems Along Engineering Processes
       (JP) Inukai T., Hibino H., Fukuda Y.
  • Application Of Virtual Manufacturing In Developing Manufacturing System For The Lens Module Of Phone-Camera
       (KR) Moon D.H., Baek S.G., Zhang B.L., Jung J.Y., Kim Y.K., Song J.Y.
 Poster Presentations
 [THU-1] - Scheduling
  • Using Johnson's Algorithm To Approximate Some Flow-Shop Scheduling Problems With Unavailability Periods
       (FR) Allaoui H., Lamouri S., Artiba A.
  • Special Case Of The Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem Is Np-Hard
       (RU) Lazarev A.A., Gafarov E.R.
  • Minimizing Lmax And Cmax In A Job Shop Problem With Sequence Dependent Setup Times
       (TN) Ben Chihaoui F., Dridi N., Hadj-Alouane A.B.
  • The Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Prolem With Setup Times And Additional Industrial Constraints
       (FR) Briton J., Hutt C.
  • Scheduling Challenges And Approaches In Semiconductor Manufacturing
       (FR) Bureau M., Dauzere-Peres S., Mati Y.
  • Operators Assignment Problem In Workshop Scheduling
       (FR) Cheurfa M., Baptiste P., Campagne J.-P., Grimaud F.
 [THU-1] - Design of Production Systems
  • A Two-Period Stochastic Programming Model For Distribution Network Design
       (FR) Tanonkou G.A., Benyoucef L., Xie X.
  • About Configuration Under Uncertainty Of A Power Distribution Network
       (FX) Aubry A., Espinouse M.-L., Jacomino M., Raison B.
  • A Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm For The Layout Problem
       (FR) Hani Y., Amodeo L., Yalaoui F., Chen H.
  • A New Neural Networks Approach For Optimal Machines Tools Selection
       (TN) Ben Khalifa R., Ben Yahia N., Zghal A.
  • Quadratic Assignment Problem: Easily solvable cases
       (BY) Demidenko V., Dolgui A.
 [THU-1] - Decision Support Systems
  • Distributed Multiagent Systems For Vertically Integrated Companies: Architecture And Interfaces
       (RU) Lebedev V.N., Asratyan R.E., Orlov V.L.
  • Sensitivity Analysis On A Dynamic Pricing Problem Of An M-M-C Queuing System
       (TR) Cil E.B., Karaesmen F., Ormeci E.L.
  • Learning Of Multilayer Neural Networks With Threshold Activation Functions For Pattern Classification
       (BY) Batura M.P., Ptitchkin V.A.
  • Macro-Micro Simulation Of Traffic Flow
       (FR) El Hmam M.S., Abouaissa H., Jolly D., Benasser A.
  • Metaheuristics Versus Spectral And Multilevel Methods Applied On An Air Traffic Control Problem
       (FR) Bichot C.-E.
  • Preventive Maintenance Of Manufacturing Systems Under Subcontractor Constraints
       (FR) Dellagi S., Rezg N., Xie X.
  • Multicriteria Decision Analysis For Investment Choice Of Helium Extraction Installation
       (DZ) Belmokhtar O., Aib M., Aboun N.
  • A Simulation Study Of The Crankshaft Line In An Automotive Factory
       (KR) Moon D.H., Xu T., Shin W.Y.
  • Epoch Time Synchonization Method With Continuous Update For Distributed Supply Chain Simulation
       (US) Lee S., Zhao X., Shendarkar A., Vasudevan K., Son Y.
  • Physical Resource Coordination Problem In Manufacturing System: An Example
       (GB) Covanich W., Mcfarlane D., Brusey J.
  • Case Study: Integration Approaches For Information Management In Virtual Organization
       (EE) Kangilaski T.
 [FRI-1] - Multi-agent and Intelligent Systems
  • Formalising An Agent-Based Container Stacking Model Via Petri Nets
       (TN) Kefi M., Korbaa O., Ghedira K., Yim P.
  • Robot Path Planning Using Simulated Annealing
       (BR) De Sales Guerra Tsuzuki M., De Castro Martins T., Kawaoka Takase F.
  • Telematic Based Transport Device Tracking And Supervision System
       (PL) Szpytko J., Kocerba A., Tekielak M.
  • Evaluation Management In Ethically-Social Approach To Security
       (PL) Cetnarowicz K., Cieciwa R., Rojek G.
  • Agent-Based Control For Thermoforming Processes
       (CA) Albadawi Z., Thomson V.
  • Creating Organizational Reality: The Pivotal Role Of Leadership
       (FR) Vaudelin J.-P., Devise O.
  • Application Of Expert Systems In Intelligent Transportation Systems
       (PL) Michalski R., Rychlik A., Szczyglak P., Szuszkiewicz J.
  • Supply Chain Modeling: The Agent Based Approach
       (IN) Wadhwa S., Bibhushan
 [FRI-1] - Knowledge and Process Modeling
  • Transformation Of Product Field Data Into Knowledge
       (CH) Bufardi A., Folan P., Kiritsis D., Xirouchakis P.
  • Decisional Modelling For Engineering To Order (Eto)
       (FR) Lattanzio T., Cauvin A.
  • Verification, Validation And Accreditation Of Enterprise Models
       (FR) Chapurlat V., Braesch C.
  • A Process Model Based Methodology To Support Conflict Management
       (FR) Ouertani M.-Z., Gzara-Yesilbas L., Lombard M.
  • An Appearance Fuzzy Sensor Integrating A Knowledge Model
       (FR) Schmitt E., Bombardier V., Charpentier P., Vogrig R.
  • ISO9000 Based Advanced Quality Approach For Continuous Improvement Of Manufacturing Processes
       (FR) Deeb S., Iung B.
  • Using RFID For Waste Minimization In The Automotive Industry
       (DE) Nunes K.R.A., Schnatmeyer M., Thoben K.-D., Valle R.A.B.
  • Models Of Knowledge On Manufacturing Systems For Control Law Synthesis
       (FR) Deschamps E., Henry S., Zamai E.
  • Mixed Reality Experiment For Distributed Learning Environment In Pneumatics Systems
       (BR) Schaf F.M., Pereira C.E.
  • Component Based Human Machine Interface System To Support Agile Manufacturing
       (UK) Mellor E.W., Harrison R., West A.A.
 [FRI-1] - Information Systems and Extended Entreprise
  • Outsourcing Through Bpr And Scor At Rhodia
       (FR) Wattky Crestan A., Neubert G., Bouras A.
  • Evaluating The Holistic Decision Architecture Using An Organizational Metrics System
       (CY) Menicou M.
  • A Generic, Distant And Collaborative Executive System In Extended Interprises
       (FR) Gravier C., Fayolle J.
  • A Quality Awareness Approach For The Industry
       (FR) Hussain K., Leleu-Merviel S.
  • Remote Monitoring And Control Of A Robotized Fault Tolerant Workcell
       (RO) Anton F.D., Borangiu T., Tunaru S., Dogar A., Gheorghiu S.
  • Computerized Simulator For Training The Operators Of Facilities For Destruction Of Chemical Weapons
       (RU) Lebedev V.G., Legovich Y.S., Kulida E.L., Rozhdestvenskii D.B.
  • Towards Pro-Active Information System Management In Virtual Enterprises
       (FR) Mathieu H., Ali L., Biennier F.
  • Safety System For Railway Operation Relating To Access Charge On Infrastructure
       (IT) Impastato S., Ricci S.
  • A New Approach For Hybrid Technology Based Workflow Management Systems Design
       (RO) Stanescu A.M., Culita J.
  • Quantitative Risk Analysis In Erp Projects, Based On The Change Measurement
       (FR) Camara M.S., Kermad L., El Mhamedi A.
  • A Time-Triggered Controller Area Network Platform With Essentially Distributed Clock Synchronization
       (BR) Carvalho F.C., Pereira C.E., Freitas E.P., Da Silva E.T.
  Industrial meetings programs

May 18th - 19th, 2006 - Congress Center, St Etienne (42-France)
Three events, dedicated to promote science and industrial exchanges!

INCOM'06 wants to innovate, by making a real bridge between research and industry. Our goal is to provide industry and academics leaders with a exciting opportunity to compare their concepts, visions and needs as well as to initiate possible fruitful relationships and ambitious projects of innovation. In this spirit, we have the good fortune to have associated with us three well known industrial meetings: EMM'2006, BPM'2006 and JT'2006.

Many exceptional industrial leaders are expected on site, with two main aims: (i) the development of integrated engineering and product life-cycle management in mechanics and mechatronics and (ii) IT systems and their impact on firm's performances or process management.

The European Mechatronics Meeting (EMM 2006) on Integrated Design and Mechatronics takes place the 18th and 19th of May. This congress is organised by THESAME industrial network with the help of the ENISE, ENSM.SE and with a support from the CETIM.
The 3rd Business Process Management 2006 forum takes place on May 18th: "Management of business processes: connecting strategic and operational management". This forum is coordinated by THESAME industrial network together with the ENSM.SE.
The workshop on architecture and management of information systems takes place on May 19th: "Effective and adaptable information system: architecture and management". This forum is organised by the French "Pole Productique" (PPRA) together with itSMF France and the Industrial Club of Information System Planners.

To download the full industrial meetings programs, please click here.

An exciting exposition!

During these 2 days (May 18th and 19th) devoted to industrial meetings, there is a cutting-edge showcase. This exhibition is a great opportunity for you to evaluate the latest innovations in Information Technology applied to manufacturing systems: Product Life-cycle Management, Integrated Design and Mechatronics, Business Process Modelling and Management, Business Intelligence, Simulation Software, Operational Research Tools, Information Systems Technologies (Integration, EAI, ITIL,...).

  Social events and cultural program

We hope INCOM'2006 will be not only a very productive trip, but also the occasion of a very pleasant moment for you. Please note the social events at INCOM:

  • May 16 th, 2006: Welcome cocktail, offered to all participants by the "Conseil général de la Loire". Hotel du Département, Town Center, 18h00.
  • May 17th, 2006: Symposium Gala, Montrond-les-Bains, 20h00. Collective transport.
  • May 18th, 2006: Concert Piano, offered to the symposium participants to celebrate the 190th anniversary of Ecole des mines de Saint Etienne: Goldberg Variations of Johann Sebastion BACH by Evgeni Koroliov. [Sorry, registration already completed, no more ticket available.]
  • May 19th, 2006: Prize ceremony during the closing plenary session.

Cultural program

To get the registration form, click here.

     TOUR 1: thursday 18 may 2006 (afternoon)

  • Enjoy a city tour called "Saint-Etienne, homeland of braids & ribbons": discover the textile industry, established in the XVIth century and its interplay with the development of the city of Saint-Etienne.
  • Visit the Art & Industry Museum: with its bricked vaults hosting the largest bicycle collection in France, magnificent weaving looms and an awesome collection of braids & ribbons. The museum is quite broad and eclectic, as its name implies, with exibitions on the manufacture of weapons as well, and covering the Renaissance to the golden age of Manufrance (a famous catalogue company simlar to Sears).

     TOUR 2: (Because of lack of participation we had to cancel this tour. For this visit please contact directly the tourist information center)

    Visit the Modern Art Museum: arguably the best collection of Contemporary Art ouside of Centre Pompidou in Paris. Le Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne owns one of the most extensive European collections of Modern & Contemporary Art. With 4 000 m² of exhibition in which to admire the twentyth century work of the likes of Léger, Kandinsky, Picasso, Soulages, Warhol, ... This museum also is becoming well known locally for its student courses in creativity and innovative restaurant.
    Again there will be a City Tour with commentary on some of the main attractions & historical venues of Saint-Etienne.

     TOUR 3: (Because of lack of participation we had to cancel this tour. For this visit please contact directly the tourist information center)

    Visit of the medieval village of Saint-Victor sur Loire overlooking the scenic River Loire Gorges. Located within a wilderness protected area (listed location), the village is a maze of picturesques alleys with ancient houses (ancient presbytery, an old manufacturering site for soft furnishings, a cross from the XVIIIth century). Come discover the secrets of its Roman Church.
    Lunch in a typical restaurant of the region in the town of Saint-Victor sur Loire...