AD Ultima |
Gold Certified of the Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta)
solution, ERP intented for small and medium company, Ad
Ultima focus their activity in industrials companies and
logistic. Our expertise is based on our method of optimization
of the process related to the end users productivity. |
Monitoring and supervision of Processes. |
Alpes DEIS |
Mechatronic product design (speaker on the subject):
our services from specifications to serial production.
Good Knowledge in sensors for force, dimensional, weather,
speed, acceleration, biometrics measurements (fingers
print, fat weight, ...), other technologies like RFID, Infrared,
ultrasonic, modem, internet, RS232, USB, CAN&Lin Buses,
Speed control, temperature, ...).
Man Machine Interface Simulation.
Weather station manufacturer. |
Enterprise and process modelling.
IT governance.
Information System Urbanism. |
BV Associates |
Technical audit, management consulting, operations management,
operation console, service level agreement, ITIL, IMEPSIA,
industrialisation, infrastructure management, deployment,
control, methodology, quality management, standardization,
recovery management, service quality, services, security,
ISIS, backup management, design architecture, shell, scripts,
Unix, AIX, HP UX, LINUX, Oracle, Solaris, windows, process,
cartography. |
CASEWISE's enterprise modeling products enable teams to visualize, understand, analyse, improve, audit and continually enhance complex operating processes and IT infrastructures. |
French Industrial and Mechanical Technical Centre. |
Processes based MES.
Network of Software editors. |
Club des Urbanistes de systèmes d'information |
Modelling Information Systems.
Alignment of in.
Urbanism of information systems. |
Global integration of automated and computerized systems,
MES software design (PRODUCIM and PHARMACIM).
Our know-how in piloting and traceability of the industrial
processes leads
us to take an active part in optimizing our customers'
infrastructures of
production. |
Qubes software MES SPC quality process manufacturing
execution system. |
Dassault Systèmes |
Dassault Systèmes leader on Product Lifecycle
Dassault Systèmes : The power of 3D for your products.
Dassault Systèmes: Develop and optimize your fabication
processes. |
Editeur de solutions informatiques et intégrateur
de systèmes pour la logistique.
DEMATIC propose à ses clients une offre intégrée
avec la maîtrise de toutes les composantes d'un
projet : mécanique, automatisme et informatique.
Ses prestations vont des études à la
mise en service et la maintenance des systèmes
logistiques avec un engagement global de performance. |
Web Sourcing |
Collaborative solutions for SMEs ecosystems.
Collaborative business processes implementation.
Integration technologies expert for Service Oriented Architecture. |
Maitre d'œuvre de solutions technique.
Etude et fabrication en série de produits en
mécanique, hydraulique,
électronique, optoélectronique, radio-fréquence,
informatique industrielle. |
Groupe JP FAUCHÉ |
Business Process Management.
Rapid SAP introduction.
Supply Chain Management.
Customer Relationship Management. |
ILOG delivers software and services that empower customers
to make better decisions faster and manage change and
complexity. Over 2500 global corporations and more than
465 leading software vendors rely on ILOG's market-leading
business rule management system (BRMS), optimization and
visualization software components, to achieve better returns
on investment, create market-defining products and services,
and sharpen their competitive edge. |
IMdR-SdF |
Institut pour la Maitrise des Risques - Sureté de Fonctionnement. |
itSMF France |
Service Management Forum.
Standards for IT Division processes. |
Lavoisier |
With over 300 titles and 36 journals published every
year, Lavoisier is now the leading science and technology publisher
in France. With its publishing imprint Hermes Science Publications,
Lavoisier is notably offering international reference works on
Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences. You can
discover them on www.hermes-sciences.com and order them on www.Lavoisier.fr
; the Lavoisier online specialist bookseller. |
MES, Manufacturing Control, Multi-agent systems, Holonic
systems, Benchmarking. |
Loire-Numérique |
Professional association of numerical economy.
Information and Communication Technologies.
Organize and share services between members. |
LOTIM Télécom |
LOTIM Telecom is a subsidiary of AXIONE (a Groupe BOUYGUES
company) European leading company on the Broadband Telecommunications
PPP market.
LOTIM Telecom is a carrier's carrier and provide national
and local service providers with broadband access network
services, which enables concurrence development to the
end-customers market. We deploy infrastructure networks
and operate full triple play platform network services.
Our objectives are to improve enterprises' competitiveness; To build an attractive economical corridor valley;
To create conditions for local ITs developments and job
MECALOIRE pôle d'excellence de la mécanique.
C'est un réseau qui rassemble 1 500 entreprises
et près de 28 000 salariés. Premier réseau
de France dans les métiers et savoir-faire de la
mécanique. Important fabricant de machines et d'équipements,
la Loire est aussi le premier bassin français pour
la production d'outillage à main et le traitement
des métaux et des surfaces. |
Optimel |
Low pressure moulding process.
Tight sealing of electronics.
Moulding materials, machines, toolings. |
Business and IT Consulting.
Leader in Project Management.
Enterprise Architecture Consulting. |
Pole ORA |
Optics and photonics new technologies serving industry.
Scientific and technical trainings oriented toward future.
Advanced fundamental and technical research. |
QUISM, a leading ITIL-web based Help Desk and IT Service management suite.
Out-of-the-box software with one underlying database.
User friendly and easy to use. |
Qualiac |
Process Industry.
Rb3d |
Intelligent tools.
Mecatronic studies.
Medical, aeronautical, automobile sectors. |
SAS Institute |
SAS, Solutions in Business Intelligence.
SAS is the market leader in providing a new generation
of business intelligence software and services that create
true enterprise intelligence.
The goal of the SAS Academic Program: "Bridging
the gap between academia and business". |
Conseil Industriel |
Simulation / Optimization / Computer Aided design / ARENA.
Scheduling / Production flow management / PREACTOR.
Logistics support management / Supply Chain / Industrial performance. |
Sensorex |
Embarked electronics. |
Logistic decision support.
Simulation software.
Integrated systems. |
On-line decision making. |
Innovation engineering.
Outsourced R&D.
Technological survey and feasibility studies.
Mecatronics engineering.
Piezoelectric sensors and actuators.
Tecnomatix is the most widely-used digital manufacturing
solution, enabling organizations to design, simulate and
execute production processes.
- Assembly planning
- Resource management
- Plant Design and optimization
- Production management.