INCOM's facts, figures� and photos |

INCOM's philosophy was simple:
put industrial problems in the forefront and invite all
possible players in Automatic Control, Computer Science,
Management Science, Operational Research and Industrial
Engineering, to regard and offer solutions. This approach without frontiers between disciplines has made
INCOM'06 one of the major scientific and industrial events
in Manufacturing Systems and Logistics of 2006.
Pr. Alexandre Dolgui
Director of Division G2I
General Scientific Chair INCOM'06

Key characteristics and figures
- Exceptional Program Committee (IPC): 79 leading
scientists from 29 countries
- Challenging Symposium Topics resulting in: 603
submissions from 55 countries
- Top Quality Expertise: 731 experts participated
in the peer review process (about 2000 reviews made,
minimum 3 reviews per article)
- First-Class
Selection: only 375 articles were accepted for the final program
(38 % of submissions were rejected), even less will be published in the proceedings due to an additional refinement process
- Rich and Diverse Program: 443 academic and industrial
presentations (375 papers selected after the peer
review process, 61 invited industrial presentations,
and 7 keynote speeches)
- Impressive Attendance: 783 registered participants
from 45 countries
- World Wide Dissemination of Results: Preprints
(2665 pages), Proceedings by Elsevier Science, Seventeen
International Journals for post-symposium publications
The 3 components of a successful program:
- An Excellent Academic Program
- An Extensive Industrial Exhibition
- Three Associated Industrial Workshops

Scientific Challenges for INCOM'2006
The symposium stressed all the challenges that arise from
new paradigms of Intelligent Manufacturing System and Supply
Chain Management. Design, manufacturing, maintenance, distribution
and associated services are considered in building integrated
methods and tools of an Intelligent Factory of the Future.
Scientific Rigour is the Main Principle of INCOM'2006
For scientific excellence, a first rank International
Program Committee (IPC) was selected. The scope and topics
of the Symposium were chosen precisely to integrate all
the most important scientific and industrial issues of
today. Well known scientists were invited to chair a Track
(50 Track Chairmen respected World Wide). The scientific
selection was based on complete paper submissions. A strict
peer review process with minimum 3 reviewers per paper
was organized. A selection rate of only 59 % was enforced.
An additional evaluation of all accepted paper by session
chairs was accomplished (both before the symposium on-line
and during the sessions themselves).
Industrial Applications of Academic Results
Intensifying the cooperation with the industrial sector was
defined as one of the major objectives of the symposium. The
National Organizing Committee (NOC) and International Program
Committee (IPC) were co-chaired by industrial leaders. Several industrial
sponsors were implicated in the symposium organization. Our
fruitful partnerships resulted in a very good industrial exhibition
with 42 stands, 3 industrial workshops, and led to 3 industrial
prizes awarded.
Promotion of Promising Young Researchers
Another goal of INCOM'2006 was to provide aid and public
recognition to young scientists. The registration fees were
reduced to half price for them. The NOC offered some free
accommodations. Finally, three prizes for young authors were
Public Relations
Public relations were also a priority of INCOM'2006:
press conferences, press releases, publications in several
kinds of news papers and magazines - economic, technical,
industrial, and general press, as well as radio and television.
This strategy permitted to better explain the importance of
INCOM and related works to both the public at large as well
as potential economic and political decision makers.
Submissions and Reviewing Process |
443 presentations were scheduled:
375 papers selected after the peer review process
61 invited industrial presentations
7 keynote academic speeches: S. B. Gershwin (USA), A.Kusiak
(USA), S.Y. Nof (USA),
C.E.Pereira (BR), J.M. Proth (FR), F.B.Vernadat (LU), A.Villa
42 exhibition stands
428 presentations were really made (about 3.1 % of non-shows only)
INCOM'2006 program
- Presentations by Category
341 oral presentations made in the scientific sessions
45 scientific posters were displayed
35 lectures were given in the 3 industrial workshops
7 keynotes speeches were presented
- Awards at INCOM'2006
3 prizes for the young authors
3 prizes for the industrial papers
23 Track prizes
List of winners
Total number of participants: 783
Academics: 544
Industrial representatives: 239
PhD Students: 130
45 countries were represented at Saint Etienne via
(with a total of 57 countries via submissions and participants)
List of 783 participants

List of 239 industrial participants
- Final list of the exhibition stands
AD Ultima, Agiir Network, Agilium, Alpes DEIS, BOC, BV Associates,
Casewise, Club ERA, Courbon, Creative IT, Dassault Systems,
Dematic, Enise, EBM Web Sourcing, EFS, IDS-Sheer, ILOG, ImdR-SdF,
ITHEC International, itSMF, JP. Fauché, K.U. Leuven,
Loire Numérique, Lotim Telecom, Meca Loire, Optimel,
Oresys, Osiatis, Pôle Optique Rhône Alpes, Pöle
Productique Rhône Alpes, QPIT BV, Qualiac, Rb3d, SAS
Institute, Segula Ingenierie, Sensorex, Simcore, Simpartners
S.A., Telemaq SARL, Thesame, UGS/Technomatix.
"Thanks for everything. You have produced an outstanding
Andrew Kusiak
"Why not host the next edition of INCOM… in St
Shimon Nof
"Greetings! Thanks for a most excellent conference!"
Lawrence Whitman
"Well done for a great conference. We really enjoyed
Glen Bright
"Despite the short time I spent at St. Etienne I really
learned a couple of very important concepts which I shall
pursue in my research. Even the train strike did not dampen
the pleasure. You have organized a very good conference. Congratulations!"
Salah E. Elmaghraby
" Un grand merci aux organisateurs d'INCOM, qui nous
ont fait vivre un excellent congrès. "
Jean Claude Hennet
"It has been one week after INCOM'06 and today I am
back to Singapore. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for organizing such a successful event. I enjoyed
my participation and networking in INCOM'06. My stay in Saint
Etienne was a very pleasant experience."
Ying Liu
" De retour de St-Etienne après INCOM 06, je
tiens à vous adresser toutes mes félicitations
pour cette grande réussite. L'organisation était
parfaite et vous n'avez rien laissé au hasard. "
Rémy Glardon
"Mille fois merci pour ce beau congres et votre travail
Hervé Pingaud
"Encore félicitations pour l'organisation et
le succès d'INCOM06"
Benoît Iung
"I'd like to congratulate you for a wonderful conference."
Yossi Bukchin
"Merci pour tout, l'accueil et l'organisation,
pendant la conférence qui reste un grand succès.
Vous avez fait un excellent travail. Félicitations
François Vernadat
"I think that INCOM has acquired a much higher standing
after St Etienne! I sincerely cannot recall a better organised
Yiannis Papadopoulos
"I believe INCOM06 was one of or actually the best
conferences I have been to, over my academic career. Well done, on firstly
the quality of the papers which was exceptional and the organisation."
Stephen T. Newman