N° |
Last name |
First name |
Affiliation |
Country |
1 | ABADIE | Jo�l | Laboratoire d'Automatique de Besan�on | France |  |
2 | ABDELLALI | Ali | Commandement des Forces Navales | Algeria |  |
3 | ABOUA�SSA | Hassane | Universit� d'Artois | France |  |
4 | ABSI | Nabil | Universit� d'Avignon | France |  |
5 | ADAR | Kalir | INTEL Corp. | Israel |  |
6 | ADJALLAH | Hamideh | University of Amsterdam | The Netherlands |  |
7 | ADJALLAH | Kondo | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
8 | AGARD | Bruno | Ecole Polytechnique de Montr�al | Canada |  |
9 | AGGOUNE | Riad | Universit� du Luxembourg | Luxembourg |  |
10 | AIT-KADI | Daoud | Universit� Laval | Canada |  |
11 | AJAEFOBI | Joseph | Loughborough University | United Kingdom |  |
12 | AKBALIK | Ayse | INP de Grenoble | France |  |
13 | ALBERT | Frederic | IUT de Roanne | France |  |
14 | ALLAOUI | Hamid | LISMMA | France |  |
15 | ALLIROT | Michel | PPRA | France |  |
16 | ALOUI | Saber | Ecole des Mines d'Al�s | France |  |
17 | ALSABA | Michel | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
18 | AMOS | Magdaline | KOGI State Gouvernment | Nigeria |  |
19 | AMRO | Farid | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |  |
20 | ANKE | J�rgen | SAP Research | Germany |  |
21 | ANTHOINE MILHOMME | Didier | TEFAL SAS | France |  |
22 | ANTON | Florin Daniel | University Politehnica of Bucharest | Romania |  |
23 | ANTONELLI | Dario | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |  |
24 | ARBARETIER | Emmanuel | EADS APSYS | France |  |
25 | ARDA | Yasmine | LAAS - CNRS | France |  |
26 | ARNOLD | Jean-Fran�ois | IRSEEM Le Moteur Moderne | France |  |
27 | ARTIBA | Abdelhakim | Ecole de Technologie Sup�rieure | Canada |  |
28 | ASKIN | Ronald | Arizona State University | United States |  |
29 | ATAIDE | Fernando Henrique | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State | Brazil |  |
30 | AUBRY | Alexis | ENSIEG | France |  |
31 | AUBRY | Anthony | VALEO | France |  |
32 | AUFAURE | Jean Luc | MORIA S.A. | France |  |
33 | BABAI | Mohamed Zied | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
34 | BAEK | Seung Geun | Changwon National University | Korea |  |
35 | BAHROUN | Zied | Facult� des Sciences de Tunis | Tunisia |  |
36 | BA�NA | Salah | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
37 | BALBOA | Herv� | JP FAUCHE | France |  |
38 | BALMAIN | David | SENSOREX | France |  |
39 | BALME | Dominique | Club ERA | France |  |
40 | BANASZAK | Zbigniew� | Technical Universityof Koszalin | Poland |  |
41 | BAPTISTE | Pierre | Polytechnique Montr�al | Canada |  |
42 | BARAD | Miryam | Tel Aviv University | Israel |  |
43 | BARADARAN LAYLABADI | Mazyar | University of New Brunswick | Canada |  |
44 | BARATA | Jos� | Universidade Nova Lisboa | Portugal |  |
45 | BARNEOUD | Marie Line | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
46 | BARRAGAN SANTAGIO | Isra�l | ENS de Cachan | France |  |
47 | BARTH | Marc | INSA Strasbourg | France |  |
48 | BARTHOD | Christine | ESIA - LAIMAN | France |  |
49 | BATTON-HUBERT | Mireille | ENSM.SE / SITE | France |  |
50 | BATURA | Mickail | Universit� d'Etat d'Informatique et de Radio�lectronique | Belarus |  |
51 | BAYLE | Pierric | AGILIUM | France |  |
52 | BEAUD | Celine | OSIATIS | France |  |
53 | BEAUDAN | Julien | ILOG | France |  |
54 | BEAUNE | Philippe | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
55 | BECKER | Marcel | University of Karlsruhe | Germany |  |
56 | BEGOU | Christine | C41 | France |  |
57 | BEIGBEDER | Michel | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
58 | BELLANGE | Alain | DASSAULT SYSTEMES | France |  |
59 | BELMOKHTAR | Oum Hani | Ecole Nationale Polytechnique | Algeria |  |
60 | BELMOKHTAR | Sana | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
61 | BEN CHIHAOUI | Faten | Ecole Nationale d'Ing�nieurs de Tunis | Tunisia |  |
62 | BEN KHALIFA | Romdhane | ESSTT Tunisie | Tunisia |  |
63 | BEN YAHIA | Noureddine | ESSTT Tunisie | Tunisia |  |
64 | BENABEN | Fr�d�rick | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
65 | BERNACHE | Didier | ENSM.SE / CIS | France |  |
66 | BERNARD | Alain | Ecole Centrale de Nantes | France |  |
67 | BERTHELET | M. | SBB Management | France |  |
68 | BERTRAND | Philippe | ENISE | France |  |
69 | BEYOU | S�bastien | Universit� de la R�union | France |  |
70 | BICHOT | Charles-Edmond | ENAC | France |  |
71 | BIDOT | Julien | ILOG | France |  |
72 | BIELSKIS | Putinas | KRANTAS Travel | Lithuania |  |
73 | BIGAND | Michel | Ecole Centrale de Lille | France |  |
74 | BILLON | Bertrand | FAURECIA | France |  |
75 | BIZETTE | Stephane | SIMCORE | France |  |
76 | BLANC | Jennifer | Agiir Network | France |  |
77 | BLANC | Pascal | IRCCYN | France |  |
78 | BLANC | S�verine | Universit� Bordeaux 1 | France |  |
79 | BLOMQVIST | Eva | J�nk�ping University | Sweden |  |
80 | BLONDEAU | R�gis | ENSM.SE / SMS | France |  |
81 | BOCQUET | Jean Claude | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
82 | BOIMOND | Jean Louis | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
83 | BOISSIER | Olivier | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
84 | BOMBARDIER | Vincent | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
85 | BONCHE | Xavier | MASSARD SAS | France |  |
86 | BONHOMME | Christiane | Expert Comptable | France |  |
87 | BONJOUR | Eric | Laboratoire d'Automatique de Besan�on | France |  |
88 | BONNINGUE | Patrick | CAPGEMINI EST | France |  |
89 | BORANGIU | Theodor | University Politehnica of Bucharest | Romania |  |
90 | BORNAND | Jean Marc | Club ERA | France |  |
91 | BOUCHER | Xavier | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
92 | BOUDIA | Mourad | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
93 | BOUJUT | Jean Fran�ois | INP de Grenoble | France |  |
94 | BOULZE | Alain | EBM Websourcing | France |  |
95 | BOURDEAUD'HUI | Thomas | Ecole Centrale de Lille | France |  |
96 | BOURGIER | Pascal | Thesame | France |  |
97 | BOURRIERES | Jean Paul | LAPS GRDI | France |  |
98 | BOUZON | Jean Philippe | BV Associates | France |  |
99 | BOYER | Julie | ENSM.SE / Post Graduate Student | France |  |
100 | BRAESCH | Christian | Universit� de Savoie | France |  |
101 | BRAHIMI | Nadjib | Ecole des Mines de Nantes | France |  |
102 | BREE | M. | GDG | France |  |
103 | BRENNAN | Robert | University of Calgary | Canada |  |
104 | BRENNER | Peter Frederik | Chair Quality Management | Germany |  |
105 | BRIGHT | Glen | University of KwaZulu | South Africa |  |
106 | BROTCORNE | Luce | Universit� de Valenciennes | France |  |
107 | BROUILLET | Liliane | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
108 | BRUNET | Louisa | ITSMF | France |  |
109 | BRUNI | Maria Elena | University of Calabria | Italy |  |
110 | BRUYAS | Gabrielle | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
111 | BRUYAT | Eric | Alpes DEIS | France |  |
112 | BUDHIRAJA | Nitika | Indian Institute of Management Calcutta | India |  |
113 | BUKCHIN | Yossi | Tel Aviv University | Israel |  |
114 | BUREAU | Micka�l | ENSM.SE / CMP GC | France |  |
115 | BURLAT | Patrick | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
116 | CADOR | Christophe | STTS | France |  |
117 | CAGLIANO | Anna Corinna | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |  |
118 | CAMARA | Mamadou Samba | IUT de Montreuil | France |  |
119 | CAMARINHA-MATOS | Luis M. | New University of Lisbon | Portugal |  |
120 | CAMPOS | Claime | School of Technology and Design | Sweden |  |
121 | CANDLOT | Alexandre | Ecole Centrale de Nantes | France |  |
122 | CARABELEA | Cosmin | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
123 | CARDEIRA | Carlos | IDMEC / IST | Portugal |  |
124 | CARDIN | Olivier | IRCCYN | France |  |
125 | CAROLEO | Brunella Roberta Daniela | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |  |
126 | CARPENTIER | Maxime | EBM Websourcing | France |  |
127 | CASSAN | Fabrice | DASSAULT SYSTEMES | France |  |
128 | CASTAGNA | Gr�goire | ZF-BOUTHEON | France |  |
129 | CASTAGNA | Pierre | IRCCYN | France |  |
130 | CATHERIN | Jean Yves | THESAME | France |  |
131 | CAUVIN | Aline | L.S.I.S. | France |  |
132 | CAVALIERI | Sergio | University of Bergamo | Italy |  |
133 | CAVORY | Guillaume | LGI2A/QLIO | France |  |
134 | CHABBERT | Daniel | P�le productique | France |  |
135 | CHAHED | Salma | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
136 | CHAILLET | Jean | CSP | France |  |
137 | CHAMBON | Jean-Fran�ois | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
138 | CHAMFRAULT | Thierry | Bouygues Telecom | France |  |
139 | CHAMOILLE | Anne-Marie | BV Associates | France |  |
140 | CHAPRON | Julie | ENSM.SE / G2I CMP | France |  |
141 | CHAPURLAT | Vincent | Ecole des Mines d'Al�s | France |  |
142 | CHARPENTIER | Dominique | INERIS | France |  |
143 | CHARPILLE | Gilles | DEMATIC | France |  |
144 | CHATAIN | Christiane | JMGC PARTICIPATIONS | France |  |
145 | CHAUHAN | Satyaveer Singh | Ecole de Management de Bordeaux | France |  |
146 | CHAVAGNEUX | Bruno | ENSM.SE / ISTP | France |  |
147 | CHAYOUKHI | Slah | ESSTT Tunisie | Tunisia |  |
148 | CHELBI | Anis | ESSTT Tunisie | Tunisia |  |
149 | CHEN | David | Universit� Bordeaux 1 | France |  |
150 | CHOMIENNE | H�l�ne | DASSAULT SYSTEMES | France |  |
151 | CIS | Corrado | Universita di Roma | Italy |  |
152 | CLIVILLE | Vincent | Universit� de Savoie | France |  |
153 | COLIN | Patrick | Alcatel VTF | France |  |
154 | COLLEDANI | Marcello | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |  |
155 | COMBES | Catherine | Universit� Jean Monnet | France |  |
156 | CONSTANTINI | Michel | UGS | France |  |
157 | CORBASSON | Gerard | POLE OPTIQUE RHONE ALPES | France |  |
158 | CORBEL | Annie | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
159 | CORBETT | Lawrence | Victoria management school | New Zealand |  |
160 | CORNARDEAU | Celine | SEGULA Ingenierie | France |  |
161 | COTTENCEAU | Bertrand | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
162 | COURAULT | Thierry | LOTIM Telecom | France |  |
163 | COURNIL | Michel | ENSM.SE / Deputy Director | France |  |
164 | COUTURIER | Pierre | Ecole des Mines d'Al�s | France |  |
165 | COVANICH | Wutthiphat | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |  |
166 | CRAMA | Yves | HEC Ecole de Gestion de l'Univ. de Li�ge | Belgium |  |
167 | CRAPART | Jean Claude | CETIM | France |  |
168 | CROSTON | John | Royal Statistical Society | United Kingdom |  |
169 | CROZENET | Thierry | Club ERA | France |  |
170 | CUTTING-DECELLE | Anne Fran�oise | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
171 | DA COSTA SOUSA | Jo�o Miguel | Technical University of Lisbon | Portugal |  |
172 | DACLIN | Nicolas | Universit� Bordeaux 1 | France |  |
173 | DAMIANI | Laurent | SALOMON | France |  |
174 | D'AMOURS | Sophie | Universit� Laval | Canada |  |
175 | DANG | Tuan | EDF R&D | France |  |
176 | DARDET | Michel | ORESYS | France |  |
177 | D'ARIANO | Andr�a | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |  |
178 | DAUZERE PERES | St�phane | ENSM.SE / CMP | France |  |
179 | DE GABRIELLI | Olivier | THESAME | France |  |
180 | DE LA DURE | Etienne | IDS-SCHEER | France |  |
181 | DE LACLOS | Philippe | CETIM | France |  |
182 | DE LASSENCE | Gr�goire | SAS | France |  |
183 | DE PIERI | Edson Roberto | Federal University of Santa Catarina | Brazil |  |
184 | DE RIVALS | Gr�goire | ADEL | France |  |
185 | DEBAVELAERE | Aymeric | RENAULT | France |  |
186 | DEEB | Salah | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
187 | DELACROIX | Stephane | SIMCORE | France |  |
188 | DELAMER | Ivan M. | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |  |
189 | DELLA FAILLE | Fr�d�ric | ALCATEL ADIXEN | France |  |
190 | DELLAC | Emmanuel | ORESYS | France |  |
191 | DELLAGI | Sofiene | INRIA - LGIPM /MACSI | France |  |
192 | DELORME | Xavier | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
193 | DEMANGEL | Rudy | EMT 74 | France |  |
194 | DEMIDENKO | Vitali | Academy of Sciences | Belarus |  |
195 | DEMONGODIN | Isabel | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
196 | DERREUMAUX | Alexandre | ENSM.SE / CMP GC | France |  |
197 | DERRIEN | Marc | POLE OPTIQUE RHONE ALPES | France |  |
198 | DESARMAUX | Pierre | SALOMON | France |  |
199 | DESCAMPS | M. | BSN Glass Pack | France |  |
200 | DESCHAMPS | Eric | ENSIEG | France |  |
201 | DESSIS | Dominique | CAP GEMINI | France |  |
202 | DEVYATERIKOVA | Marina | Academy of Sciences | Russia |  |
203 | DEXTER | Franklin | University of Iowa | United States |  |
204 | DHUIQUE-MAYER | Jean-Paul | ENSM.SE / ISTP | France |  |
205 | DI MASCOLO | Maria | LAG ENSIEG | France |  |
206 | DIAZ | Carolina | Universidad de Alicante | Spain |  |
207 | DIEDRICH | Christian | IFAK E.V. Magdeburg | Germany |  |
208 | DIGIESI | Salvatore | Politecnico di Bari | Italy |  |
209 | DINDELEUX | R�gis | THESAME | France |  |
210 | DIOP | M. | ORANGE France | France |  |
211 | DJOUANI | Karim | Universit� Paris 12 | France |  |
212 | DOARE | Clement | ENSM.SE | France |  |
213 | DOBRESCU | Radu | Politehnica University | Romania |  |
214 | DOBROWOLSKI | Grzegorz | Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza | Poland |  |
215 | DODIN | Bajis | University of California Riverside | United States |  |
216 | DOLGUI | Alexandre | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
217 | DORIVAL | Emilie | CLUB ERA | France |  |
218 | DOTOLI | Mariagrazia | Politecnico di Bari | Italy |  |
219 | DOURGNON-HANOUNE | Anne | EDF R&D | France |  |
220 | DRATH | Rainer | ABB Corporate Research | Germany |  |
221 | DRIEWER | Frank | University of W�rzburg | Germany |  |
222 | DRIRA | Amine | Universit� Blaise Pascal | France |  |
223 | DUC | Emmanuel | LAMI | France |  |
224 | DUJARDIN | Thierry | DECISION | France |  |
225 | DULPHY | Sylvain | SERMA Technologies | France |  |
226 | DUMONT | Julien | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
227 | DUPAS | R�my | Universit� d'Artois | France |  |
228 | DUPOMMIER | Isabelle | Thesame | France |  |
229 | DUPONT | Lionel | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
230 | DURAND | Pascal | ALCATEL ADIXEN | France |  |
231 | DURET | Celine | SENSOREX | France |  |
232 | DURET | Christian | SENSOREX | France |  |
233 | EL HAOUZI | Hind | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
234 | EL HAYEK | Joseph | Universit� de Technologie de Compi�gne | France |  |
235 | EL HMAM | Mohamed Said | Universit� d'Artois / Facult� des Sciences Appliqu�es | France |  |
236 | ELDUKHRI | Eldaw | Cardiff University | United Kingdom |  |
237 | ELKHYARI | Abdallah | Universit� Jean Monnet | France |  |
238 | ELKOSANTINI | Sabeur | Universit� Blaise Pascal | France |  |
239 | ELMAGHRABY | Salah | North Carolina State University | United States |  |
240 | EMAILLE | Rodolphe | MGI Coutier | France |  |
241 | ENJALBERT | Simon | E.N.I.T. | France |  |
242 | ERBE | Heinz-Hermann | T U Berlin | Germany |  |
243 | EREMEEV | Anton | Academy of Sciences | Russia |  |
244 | EREN BASAR | Gil | KOG University | Turkey |  |
245 | ESCUDIE | Bertrand | EBM Websourcing | France |  |
246 | ESSAID | Mohand | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
247 | EVROT | Dominique | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
248 | FAGNART | Jacques | Simpartners SA | Belgium |  |
249 | FAGUET | Thierry | SEGULA Ingenierie | France |  |
250 | FARIBORZ | Jolai | University of Teh�ran | Iran |  |
251 | FAURE | Jean Marc | ENS de Cachan | France |  |
252 | FAYOLLE | Jacques | ISTASE | France |  |
253 | FEI | Hong Ying | Catholic University of Mons | Belgium |  |
254 | FERNANDEZ | Carine | ITHEC International | France |  |
255 | FERRARINI | Alain | Universit� Paul C�zanne | France |  |
256 | FERRARINI | Luca | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |  |
257 | FILDES | Robert | Lancaster University | United Kingdom |  |
258 | FINKE | Gerd | IMAG | France |  |
259 | FISCHMANN | Christian | Fraunhofer IPA | Germany |  |
260 | FLACHARD | Christian | CREATIVE IT | France |  |
261 | FLORIMOND | Brice | AD Ultima | France |  |
262 | FOERSTER | Marc | Fraunhofer IESE | Germany |  |
263 | FORMOSA | Fabien | LMECA | France |  |
264 | FRAMLING | Kary | Helsinki University of Technology | Finland |  |
265 | FREIN | Yannick | INP de Grenoble | France |  |
266 | FREY | Georg | University of Kaiserslautern | Germany |  |
267 | FRICKINGER | Juergen | Fraunhofer IISB | Germany |  |
268 | FUJI | Susumu | Sophia University | Japan |  |
269 | GAGNAIRE | Jean Louis | R�gion Rh�ne Alpes | France |  |
270 | GALAND | Guy | STARTEC | France |  |
271 | GALASSO | Fran�ois | LAAS - CNRS | France |  |
272 | GAMOURA-CHEHBI | Samia | Laboratoire Prisma | France |  |
273 | GARRIDO CAMPOS | Julio | Universidad de Vigo | Spain |  |
274 | GAUTIER | G�rard | ESIA - LAIMAN | France |  |
275 | GAYON | Jean-Philippe | INP de Grenoble | France |  |
276 | GEISKOPF | Fran�ois | INSA Strasbourg | France |  |
277 | GENUA | Caterina | ST Microelectronics | Italy |  |
278 | GERINIERE | Pierre | SOMFY | France |  |
279 | GERMINET | Robert | ENSM.SE / Directeur | France |  |
280 | GERSCHWIN | Stanley B. | MIT | United States |  |
281 | GHARBI | Ali | Ecole de Technologie Sup�rieure | Canada |  |
282 | GHISLANDI | Walter | University of Bergamo | Italy |  |
283 | GHURBHURN | Rahee | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
284 | GIBERT | Nathalie | POLE OPTIQUE RHONE ALPES | France |  |
285 | GIGOT | Sebastien | ENISE | France |  |
286 | GIRARD | Marie Agn�s | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
287 | GIRARD | Patrick | AD Ultima | France |  |
288 | GIRARDOT | Jean-Jacques | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
289 | GIRINON | Beno�t | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
290 | GIRON | Hilaire | Activ'Syst�me | France |  |
291 | GLADE | Mathieu | EUROCOPTER | France |  |
292 | GLARDON | R�my | EPFL | Switzerland |  |
293 | GL�ER | Detlev | AMD | Germany |  |
294 | GOETZ | Marcelo | Heinz Nivdorf Institute | Germany |  |
295 | GOMET | Florent | ITHEC International | France |  |
296 | GONCALVES | Carole | ALCATEL ADIXEN | France |  |
297 | GONNET | Bernard | CASINO DSI | France |  |
298 | GORDON | Valery | Academy of Sciences | Belarus |  |
299 | GOUJON | Michel | ENSM.SE / ISTP | France |  |
300 | GOURGAND | Michel | LIMOS | France |  |
301 | GOUSSARD | Denis | SNR Roulements | France |  |
302 | GOUTIN | Elizabeth | ENSM.SE / Direction aux Relations Internationales | France |  |
303 | GOUYON | David | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
304 | GRABOT | Bernard | E.N.I.T. | France |  |
305 | GRAVIER | Christophe | ISTASE | France |  |
306 | GREIFENEDER | J�rgen | University of Kaiserslautern | Germany |  |
307 | GRIMALDI | Mich�le | CASINO DSI | France |  |
308 | GRIMALDI | Sabrina | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |  |
309 | GRIMAUD | Fr�d�ric | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
310 | GRUAT LA FORME | France-Anne | INSA Lyon | France |  |
311 | GRUAZ | Pascal | STEQUAL | France |  |
312 | GRUNDER | Olivier | Universit� de Technologie de Belfort-Montb�liard | France |  |
313 | GRYGOROWICZ | Serge | Rb3d | France |  |
314 | GRZECKOWICZ | Nicolas | ORESYS | France |  |
315 | GU | Lyia | ENIM | France |  |
316 | GUENEBAUT | Adrien | INSA Strasbourg | France |  |
317 | GUGLIELMINO | Maria Gabriella | University of Catanya | Italy |  |
318 | GUILBERT | Jacques | CEREP | France |  |
319 | GUILLEMOT | Didier | QUALIAC | France |  |
320 | GUIZZI | Ludovic | THESAME | France |  |
321 | GULTEKIN | Hakan | Bilkent University | Turkey |  |
322 | GUSCHINSKAYA | Olga | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
323 | GUSCHINSKY | Nikolai | Academy of Sciences | Belarus |  |
324 | GUTIERREZ ESTRADA | Citlalih | INSA - LESIA | France |  |
325 | GUYOT | Gilles | EURODEC MINNESCO | France |  |
326 | HA | Duy Long | ENSIEG | France |  |
327 | HABCHI | Georges | ESIA | France |  |
328 | HAGEMANN | Bj�rn | Berger Lahr GmbH | Germany |  |
329 | HAJI | Maryam | University of Illinois at Chicago | United States |  |
330 | HAMANI | Nadia | Ecole Centrale de Lille | France |  |
331 | HAMMAMI | Abdelkader | SYNCRUDE | Canada |  |
332 | HAMMAMI | Sondes | Ecole Nationale d'Ing�nieurs de Tunis | Tunisia |  |
333 | HAN | Woo-Suck | ENSM.SE / SMS | France |  |
334 | HANI | Yasmina | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
335 | HARMEL | Ghassen | Laboratoire d'Automatique de Besan�on | France |  |
336 | HARRISON | Robert | Loughborough University | United Kingdom |  |
337 | HEAVEY | Cathal | University of Limerick | Ireland |  |
338 | HEILPORN | G�raldine | Universit� Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium |  |
339 | HENNET | Jean-Claude | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
340 | HIBINO | Hironori | Techical Research Institute of JSPMI | Japan |  |
341 | HNAIEN | Faicel | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
342 | HONORE-SAUVAGE | | CCI-Loire | France |  |
343 | HOUSSIN | Laurent | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
344 | HUANG | Yi-Sheng | Department of Aeronautical Engineering | Taiwan |  |
345 | HUARD | Henry | ENSM.SE / Post Graduate Student | France |  |
346 | HUCHON | Alexandre | EFS | France |  |
347 | HUSSAIN | Kashif | Universit� de Valenciennes | France |  |
348 | IASSINOVSKI | Serguei | Simpartners SA | Belgium |  |
349 | IERACE | Stefano | Universita degli Studi di Bergamo | Italy |  |
350 | IGIER | Pierre | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
351 | IGNIZIO | James | INTEL | United States |  |
352 | IMAFOUO | Am�lie | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
353 | IMBEAUD | Patrick | DAFPIC AUVERGNE | France |  |
354 | IMPASTATO | Stefano | University of Rome | Italy |  |
355 | IUNG | Beno�t | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
356 | IVANOV | Dmitry | TU Chemnitz, BWL VII | Germany |  |
357 | IZZA | Sa�d | ENSM.SE / G2I CMP | France |  |
358 | JABER | Mayyad | INSA Lyon | France |  |
359 | JACEKOVA | Veronika | D�l�gation Scientifique Slovaque | Slovakia |  |
360 | JACOMINO | Mireille | ENSIEG | France |  |
361 | JACQUEMIN | Philippe | EUROCAVE | France |  |
362 | JACQUET-LAGREZE | Eric | Eurod�cision | France |  |
363 | JAILLON | Philippe | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
364 | JALLABERT | Marie | CCI-Loire | France |  |
365 | JANTUNEN | Erkki | VTT | Finland |  |
367 | JAVELLE | St�phanie | ENSM.SE / SPIN | France |  |
368 | JAZWINSKI | Jerzy | Airforce Institute of Technology | Poland |  |
369 | JEGOU | Roland | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
370 | JIANG | Zhibin | Shanghai Jiaotong University | China |  |
371 | JOERGENSEN | Kaj A. | Aalborg University | Denmark |  |
372 | JOHANSSON | Bj�rn | Chalmers University of Technology | Sweden |  |
373 | JOHNSON | Timothy L. | General Electric Global Research | United States |  |
374 | JOHNZEN | Carl | ENSM.SE / CMP GC | France |  |
375 | JONNARD | Alexandra | Loire Numerique | France |  |
376 | JOUINI | Oualid | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
377 | KALIFA | G�rald | SYNOPSE | France |  |
378 | KANGILASKI | Taivo | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia |  |
379 | KAWCZYNSKI | Lukasz | IPE-LITH | Sweden |  |
380 | KAYAKUTLU | Gulgun | Instanbul Technical University | Turkey |  |
381 | KEBE | Sekoun | INP de Grenoble | France |  |
382 | KHALGUI | Mohammed | LORIA - INPL | France |  |
383 | KHARCHENKO | Yevhen | Univeristy of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn | Poland |  |
384 | KHARRAJA | Said | IUT de Roanne | France |  |
385 | KIM | Moo-Sun | Seoul National University | Korea |  |
386 | KIRITSIS | Dimitris | EPFL | Switzerland |  |
387 | KLEIN | Thomas | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
388 | KOCK | Ad | Eindhoven University of Technology | The Netherlands |  |
389 | KOLOKOLOV | Alexander | Academy of Sciences | Russia |  |
390 | KOPACEK | Peter | Vienna University of Technology | Austria |  |
391 | KORYTKOWSKI | Przemyslaw | Szczecin University of Technology | Poland |  |
392 | KOSZYK | Fabrice | LOTIM Telecom | France |  |
393 | KOTOV | Vladimir | FPMI/ State University | Belarus |  |
394 | KOURNIF | Narcisse | ENSM.SE / DRI | France |  |
395 | KOVACS | Gabor | INSA Lyon | France |  |
396 | KOVACS | Georgo | Computer & Automation Institute | Hungary |  |
397 | KULBA | Vladimir | Institute of Control Sciences | Russia |  |
398 | KUMAR | Abhimanyu | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
399 | KUSIAK | Andrew | University of Iowa | United States |  |
400 | KUSUKAWA | Etsuko | Osaka Prefecture University | Japan |  |
401 | LABRIET | G�rard | Framatome ANP | France |  |
402 | LACOMBE | Fran�ois | Loire Numerique | France |  |
403 | LACOMME | Philippe | Universit� Blaise Pascal | France |  |
404 | LAHAYE | S�bastien | Universit� d'Angers - ISTIA | France |  |
405 | LALLEMENT | Patrick | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
406 | LAMBILOTTE | Bernard | LOTIM Telecom | France |  |
407 | LAMIRI | Medhi | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
408 | LAMOTHE | Jacques | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
409 | LAMOURI | Samir | SUPMECA | France |  |
410 | LANGEVIN | Andr� | Ecole Polytechnique de Montr�al | Canada |  |
411 | LANIEL | Fabien | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
412 | LANNING | Ivor | University of Limerick | Ireland |  |
413 | LANTERNIER | Patrick | INERIS | France |  |
414 | L'ANTON | Anne | IRCCYN | France |  |
415 | LARGERON | Thierry | SPC Consultants | France |  |
416 | LASSAK | Vladimir | D�l�gation Scientifique Slovaque | Slovakia |  |
417 | LAUMOND | Eric | QUALIAC | France |  |
418 | LAURAS | Matthieu | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
419 | LAURIN | Pascal | BOSCH | France |  |
420 | LAUWERS | Olivier | MICHELIN | France |  |
421 | LE RAZER | Bruno | P�le Europ�en de Plasturgie | France |  |
422 | LEBACQUE | Vassilissa | IMAG | France |  |
423 | LEBEDEV | Valentin | Institute of Control Sciences | Russia |  |
424 | LEBEDEV | Vitaly | Institute of Control Sciences | Russia |  |
425 | LEBRUN | Michel | IMAGINE | France |  |
426 | LEE | Daewoo | Pusan Noct 1 Univ. | Korea |  |
427 | LEFRANC | Amelie | Agiir Network | France |  |
428 | LEITAO | Paulo | Polytechnic Institute of Bragan�a | Portugal |  |
429 | LEROUX | Beno�t | POLYTECH'ORLEANS | France |  |
430 | LEVANOVA | Tatiana | Academy of Sciences | Russia |  |
431 | LEVIN | Genrikh | Academy of Sciences | Belarus |  |
432 | LEVIN | Yuri | Queen's University | Canada |  |
433 | LEVINA | Tatsiana | Queen's University | Canada |  |
434 | LEWOC | Jozef Bohdan | BPBIT Leader | Poland |  |
435 | LHERISSON | | CASEWISE | France |  |
436 | LI | Jie | INRIA - LGIPM /MACSI | France |  |
437 | LICHKA | Christian | BOC GmnH | France |  |
438 | LIN | Chao-Hsien | National Tsing Hua University | Taiwan |  |
439 | LIOTIER | Jean Pierre | Loire Habitat OPAC de la Loire | France |  |
440 | LITTLE | James | Cork Constraint Computation Centre | Ireland |  |
441 | LIU | Ying | National University of Singapore | Singapore |  |
442 | LOBOV | Andrei | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |  |
443 | LOISEAU | Jean Jacques | IRCCYN | France |  |
444 | LONGY | Vincent | PAULSTRA | France |  |
445 | LOPEZ | Omar | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |  |
446 | LOPEZ-MELLADO | Ernesto | CINVESTAV | Mexico |  |
447 | LOREAU | Marie | CCI de Versailles | France |  |
448 | LORRE | Jean-Pierre | EBM Websourcing | France |  |
449 | LOTTIN | Jacques | LISTIC | France |  |
450 | LOUISOT | Gr�goire | SEGULA Ingenierie | France |  |
451 | LOW | Kok Seng | University College Dublin | Ireland |  |
452 | LUCAS SOARES | Antonio | INESC Porto | Portugal |  |
453 | LUNETTA | Ouarda | QUALIAC | France |  |
454 | LUQUET | Andr� | LOTIM Telecom | France |  |
455 | LUTZ | Philippe | Laboratoire d'Automatique de Besan�on | France |  |
456 | LYONNET | Patrick | ENISE | France |  |
457 | MAC DONALD | Corinne | Dalhousie University | Canada |  |
458 | MACCARTHY | Bart | Nottingham University | United Kingdom |  |
459 | MACUREK | Filip | Rockwell Automation | Czech Republic |  |
460 | MAHMOUDI | Jaouher | Ecole des Mines d'Albi / ONERA | France |  |
461 | MAISONNEUVE | Pierre Lo�c | ENISE | France |  |
462 | MALHOTRA | Lakshya | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
463 | MANDEL | J�rg | Fraunhofer Institute IPA | Germany |  |
464 | MARAIS | Ludovic | BOSCH REXROTH | France |  |
465 | MARANDON | Brigitte | Loire Numerique | France |  |
466 | MARANGE | Pascale | CRESTIC-LAM | France |  |
467 | MARAU | Ricardo | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal |  |
468 | MARCON | Eric | IUT de Roanne | France |  |
469 | MARECHAL | Patrick | FAURECIA | France |  |
470 | MARTEL | Alain | Universit� Laval | Canada |  |
471 | MARTINEZ LASTRA | Jose L. | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |  |
472 | MARTINOT | Jean Louis | JLM Conseil | France |  |
473 | MASOOD | Tariq | MSI Research Institute | United Kingdom |  |
474 | MATHIEU | Herv� | INSA Lyon | France |  |
475 | MATHON | Albert | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
476 | MATT | Dominik | Free University of Bolzano-Bozen | Italy |  |
477 | MAUPATE | Olivier | Essilor | France |  |
478 | MAUSSION | Pascal | INPT - LEEI | France |  |
479 | MAZER | Zahia | ENSM.SE / SITE | France |  |
480 | MEHRABIKOUSHKI | Ali | INSA Lyon | France |  |
481 | MENAGER | Emmanuel | IDS-SCHEER | France |  |
482 | MEON | Gilbert | ADEL | France |  |
483 | MERCIER | Annabelle | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
484 | MERLO | Christophe | ESTIA/LIPSI | France |  |
485 | MESKENS | Nadine | Catholic University of Mons | Belgium |  |
486 | MEYNIER | Claude | EBM Websourcing | France |  |
487 | MICHALSKI | Ryszard | University of Warmia | Poland |  |
488 | MICHAUD | Christian | INTERMINES | France |  |
489 | MIEMCZYK | Joseph | University of Bath | United Kingdom |  |
490 | MIGNOT | Jean Claude | | France |  |
491 | MILLOT | Martine | ENSM.SE | France |  |
492 | MIRDAMADI | Samieh | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
493 | MODRAK | Vladimir | Technical University of Kosice | Slovakia |  |
494 | MONOSTORI | Lazlo | SZTAKI | Hungary |  |
495 | MONTAGNIER | K. | Loire Numerique | France |  |
496 | MONTAGNON | Marc | Loire Numerique | France |  |
497 | MONTAUD | Andr� | THESAME | France |  |
498 | MONTOYA TORRES | Jairo | Pontificia Univesidad Javeriana | Colombia |  |
499 | MONTREUIL | Beno�t | Universit� Laval | Canada |  |
500 | MOON | Dug Hee | Changwon National University | Korea |  |
501 | MORALES-MENENDEZ | Ruben | ITESM | Mexico |  |
502 | MOREAUX | Patrice | Universit� de Savoie | France |  |
503 | MOREL | G�rard | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
504 | MORGE | Patricia | QUALIAC | France |  |
505 | MOURANI | Lyad | INRIA - LGIPM /MACSI | France |  |
506 | MOUSSI | Madame | ASSETSMAN | France |  |
507 | M'SIRDI | Nacer Konider | POLYTECH/DGI | France |  |
508 | MUSY | Olivier | SNR | France |  |
509 | MUSZYNSKI | Wojciech | Ecole Polytechnique de Wroclaw | Poland |  |
510 | MUYLDERMANS | Luc | Nottingham University | United Kingdom |  |
511 | NAAMANE | Aziz | POLYTECH/DGI | France |  |
512 | NAIT- ABDALLAH | Mohamed Rabie | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
513 | NAIT SIDI MOH | Ahmed | Universit� de Technologie de Belfort-Montb�liard | France |  |
514 | NAKADE | Koichi | Nagoya Institute of Technology | Japan |  |
515 | NASSEHI | Aydin | University of Bath | United Kingdom |  |
516 | NATCHIA | Jacques | SIMCORE | France |  |
517 | NAWARECKI | Edward | Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza | Poland |  |
518 | NEGENBORN | Rudy | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |  |
519 | NEGRO | Maxence | ROLEX S.A. | Switzerland |  |
520 | NEIGE | Bernard | GIBAUD sas | France |  |
521 | NEMOZ | Ludivine | OSIATIS | France |  |
522 | NEUBERT | Gilles | PRISMA Laboratory | France |  |
523 | NEWMAN | Stephen | University of Bath | United Kingdom |  |
524 | NGO CONG | Khanh | LAG ENSIEG | France |  |
525 | NGUYEN | Viet Hai | ENSM.SE / SITE | France |  |
526 | NIANG | Boubacar | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
527 | NIGDELIAN | Caroline | LOTIM Telecom | France |  |
528 | NOF | Shimon Y. | Purdue University | United States |  |
529 | NORBERT | Jesse | University of Dortmund | Germany |  |
530 | O'BRIEN | Chris | Nottingham University | United Kingdom |  |
531 | ODURO | Joseph | Organisation of African Trade Union Unity | Ghana |  |
532 | OHTSUKA | Hirofumi | Kumamoto National College of Technology | Japan |  |
533 | OIZEL | Yves | JP FAUCHE | France |  |
534 | OLIVE | Jean Michel | POLYTECH/DGI | France |  |
535 | OLIVEIRA | Eugenio | Faculty of Engineering | Portugal |  |
536 | ORAVEC | Viktor | Institute of Informatics | Slovakia |  |
537 | OSAFO | Mary | Organisation of African Trade Union Unity | Ghana |  |
538 | OTTO | Tauno | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia |  |
539 | OUATTARA | Oumar Aziz | Club ERA | France |  |
540 | OUERTANI | Mohamed Zied | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
541 | OULAMARA | Ammar | Ecole des Mines de Nancy | France |  |
542 | OUNNAR | Fouzia | L.S.I.S. | France |  |
543 | OUSSEDIK | Sofiane | ILOG | France |  |
544 | PANETTO | Herv� | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
545 | PANNEQUIN | R�mi | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
546 | PANNETIER | Romain | ENSM.SE / Post Graduate Student | France |  |
547 | PAOLI | Mathieu | ENISE | France |  |
548 | PAPADOPOULOS | Didier | IREACTIV | France |  |
549 | PAPADOPOULOS | Yiannis | University of Hull | United Kingdom |  |
550 | PAPANAGNOU | Christos | City University | United Kingdom |  |
551 | PARET | Dominique | Conseil G�n�ral de la Loire | France |  |
552 | PARK | Chung Hae | Universit� du Havre | France |  |
553 | PASHKEVICH | Maxim | Stanford University | United States |  |
554 | PASHKEVITCH | Anatoly | IRCCYN | France |  |
555 | PATUREL | Jean | UGS | France |  |
556 | PAUL | No�l | Saint Etienne M�tropole | France |  |
557 | PAUZE | Antoine | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
558 | PAVLOV | Boris | Institute of Control Sciences | Russia |  |
559 | PEMPTROAD | Gregory | BOC | France |  |
560 | PENARANDA | Nicolas | Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey | Mexico |  |
561 | PENDRIGH | Robin | ENSM.SE / Post Graduate Student | France |  |
562 | PEREIRA | Carlos E. | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State | Brazil |  |
563 | PEREIRA | Jean | DEMATIC | France |  |
564 | PERIER-CAMBY | Laurent | ENSM.SE / SPIN | France |  |
565 | PERRIN | Thierry | SORMA France | France |  |
566 | PETIT JEAN | Francis | BOSCH REXROTH | France |  |
567 | PETKO | Maciej | AGH University of Science and Technology | Poland |  |
568 | PFEFFER | Markus | Fraunhofer Institut for Integrated Systems | Germany |  |
569 | PFISTER | Laurent | Suret� de Fonctionnement | France |  |
570 | PICCO | Mario | CETIM | France |  |
571 | PIERREVAL | Henri | IFMA | France |  |
572 | PIETRAC | Laurent | INSA Lyon | France |  |
573 | PINGAUD | Herv� | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
574 | PINOLI | Jean Charles | ENSM.SE / Research Program Director | France |  |
575 | PIPARD | Nicolas | CORUS | The Netherlands |  |
576 | PIRUS | Jean Fran�ois | BPMS | France |  |
577 | PITOISET | Daniel | HUTCHINSON | France |  |
578 | PLETTO | Isabelle | ENISE | France |  |
579 | PLUVINET | Philippe | IMdR-SdF | France |  |
580 | PONCELIN | Guillaume | EUROCOPTER | France |  |
581 | PONCET | A. | RENAULT TRUCKS | France |  |
582 | PRATSCH | Daniel | Bremen University | Germany |  |
583 | PRODHON | Caroline | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
584 | PROTH | Jean Marie | INRIA-Lorraine | France |  |
585 | PRUNIER | Marc | MP Consulting | France |  |
586 | RAA | Birger | Ghent University | Belgium |  |
587 | RADHOUI | Mehdi | INRIA - LGIPM /MACSI | France |  |
588 | RAGE | | DAFPIC AUVERGNE | France |  |
589 | RAJSIRI | Vatcharaphun | EBM Websourcing | France |  |
590 | RAMDANE CHERIF | Wahiba | Ecole des Mines de Nancy | France |  |
591 | RAMIREZ | Antonio | CINVESTAV INP | Mexico |  |
592 | RAMOND | Fran�ois | SNCF | France |  |
593 | RAMUDHIN | Amar | ETS | Canada |  |
594 | RANDONE | Celine | SEGULA Ingenierie | France |  |
595 | RANSON | Patrick | CETIM | France |  |
596 | RAPEY | Jean Marc | | France |  |
597 | RASCLE | Marie C�line | CCI-Loire | France |  |
598 | RAVICHANDRAN | N. | Indian Institute of Management Calcutta | India |  |
599 | RAVIER | Elodie | SEGULA Ingenierie | France |  |
600 | REBOUL | Denis | CEGELEC | France |  |
601 | REICHHART | Andreas | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |  |
602 | REITZER | Virginie | CCI-Loire | France |  |
603 | REKIK | Yacine | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France |  |
604 | RENAUD | Gilles | OTIMA | France |  |
605 | REQUIN | Jean-Louis | OPTIMEL | France |  |
606 | RETRUS | Christiane | ENSM.SE / SITE | France |  |
607 | REVALOR | Marc | ALCAN CRV | France |  |
608 | REYMONDON | Francis | IUT de Roanne | France |  |
609 | REYMONDON | Jean-Michel | ADEL | France |  |
610 | REZG���� | Nidhal�� | INRIA - LGIPM /MACSI | France |  |
611 | RIANE | Fouad | FUCAM | Belgium |  |
612 | RIEDL | Matthias | IFAK E.V. Magdeburg | Germany |  |
613 | RINALDO | M. | THALES ANGENIEUX | France |  |
614 | RINAUDO | Philippe | CREATIVE IT | France |  |
615 | RIOPEL | Diane | Ecole Polytechnique de Montr�al | Canada |  |
616 | RIVAL | Jean Paul | DEMATIC | France |  |
617 | RIVET | Jean Michel | QUALIAC | France |  |
618 | ROBERT | Anna | ILOG | France |  |
619 | ROBIN | Vincent | Universit� Bordeaux 1 | France |  |
620 | ROCHE | Michel | JP FAUCHE | France |  |
621 | ROCHE | Sylvie | ITSMF | France |  |
622 | ROELENS | Marc | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
623 | ROISENBERG | Mauro | FAPEU | Brazil |  |
624 | ROMAIN | Guy | | France |  |
625 | RONCHI | Robert | ST Microelectronics | France |  |
626 | RONDEAU | Eric | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
627 | RONG | Gang | Zhejiang University | China |  |
628 | RONNQVIST | Mikael | Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | Norway |  |
629 | ROUCH | Herv� | INOPRO | France |  |
630 | ROUSSEL | Guy | GAZ de France | France |  |
631 | ROUSSIN | Johanna | ORESYS | France |  |
632 | ROUVEYRE | Fr�d�ric | Alcatel VTF | France |  |
633 | ROUX | Christian | ENSM.SE | France |  |
634 | RUDONDY | Fr�d�ric | British Vita | France |  |
635 | RUSSEL | Damien | ARCELOR Systems | France |  |
636 | RUTTLE | Philip | University of Limerick | Ireland |  |
637 | SAAD | Ines | Univerisit� Paris Dauphine | France |  |
638 | SADONES | Sylvie | RENAULT | France |  |
639 | SADR | Niloufare | ENSM.SE | France |  |
640 | SAFAEI | Nima | Iran University of Science and Technology | Iran |  |
641 | SAHI | Lineda | QPIT BV | The Netherlands |  |
642 | SAINT GERMAIN | Bart | K.U. Leuven | Belgium |  |
643 | SALLER | Nathalie | INRIA - LGIPM /MACSI | France |  |
644 | SALVADOR | Elena | VISIONe lab | Italy |  |
645 | SALVADOR | Marta | EIDON SpA | Italy |  |
646 | SANCHEZ | Arturo | Cinvestav | Mexico |  |
647 | SANDKUHL | Kurt | J�nk�ping University | Sweden |  |
648 | SANTOS | Jos� | University of Aveiro | Portugal |  |
649 | SATO | Shuichi | Toyota Central R&D Labs. | Japan |  |
650 | SAUER | Nathalie | Universit� Paul Verlaine Metz | France |  |
651 | SAUZADE | Jean-Denis | TELEMAQ SARL | France |  |
652 | SCHEFFMANN | Nathalie | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
653 | SCHMIDT | Fran�ois | EFS | France |  |
654 | SCHMIDT | Olivier | UGS | France |  |
655 | SCHMITT | Emmanuel | Lux Scan Technologies | Luxembourg |  |
656 | SCHNATMEYER | Martin | University Bremen | Germany |  |
657 | SEHAB | Rabia | ESTACA | France |  |
658 | SEKI | Hiroshi | Hitachi LTD | Japan |  |
659 | SERBENCU | Adrian | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati | Romania |  |
660 | SERPAGGI | Xavier | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
661 | SEYDALIOGLU | Basak | Vienna University of Technology | Austria |  |
662 | SHAIK | Ahmed | University of KwaZulu | South Africa |  |
663 | SHIGEYASU | Kawaji | Kumamoto University | Japan |  |
664 | SHILOV | Nikolay | Academy of Sciences | Russia |  |
665 | SIADAT | Ali | ENSAM - LGIPM | France |  |
666 | SIARRY | Patrick | Universit� Paris 12 | France |  |
667 | SIBDARI | Soheil | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | United States |  |
668 | SIENOU | Amadou | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
669 | SILVA FILHO | Oscar Salviano | Renato Archer Research Center | Brazil |  |
670 | SILVA S. | Carlos A. | Technical University of Lisbon | Portugal |  |
671 | SINAULT | Yann | HUTCHINSON | France |  |
672 | SITOMPUL | Carles | Ghent University | Belgium |  |
673 | SIX | Gr�gory | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
674 | SIX | Marc Fran�ois | HUTCHINSON | France |  |
675 | SMIRNOV | Alexander | Academy of Sciences | Russia |  |
676 | SMODIC | Ren� | Technical University of Vienne | Austria |  |
677 | SON | Young Jun | University of Arizona | United States |  |
678 | SORLINI | Marzio | ITIA - CNR | Italy |  |
679 | SOUSTELLE | Michel | ENSM.SE | France |  |
680 | STAHRE | Johan | Chalmers University of Technology | Sweden |  |
681 | STANESCU | Aurelian Mihai | University Politehnica of Bucharest | Romania |  |
682 | STEC | Michal | SAT AG | Germany |  |
683 | STIERANKOVA | Elena | D�l�gation Scientifique Slovaque | Slovakia |  |
684 | STOCK | Patricia | University of Karlsruhe | Germany |  |
685 | STONE | Gareth | University of Bath | United Kingdom |  |
686 | STORI | Nicolas | Courbon | France |  |
687 | STRUSEVICH | Vitaly | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom |  |
688 | STURM | Roland | Advanced Clean Productio | Germany |  |
689 | SU | Chao-Ton | National Tsing Hua University | Taiwan |  |
690 | SU | Qiang | Shanghai Jiaotong University | China |  |
691 | SYNTETOS | Aris | University of Salford | United Kingdom |  |
692 | SZAFNICKI | Konrad | ENSM.SE / SITE | France |  |
693 | SZCZYGLAK | Piotr | University of Warmia | Poland |  |
694 | SZPYTKO | Janusz | AGH University of Science and Technology | Poland |  |
695 | SZUSZKIEWICZ | Jaroslaw | University of Warmia | Poland |  |
696 | TABET | Danie | IMdR-SdF | France |  |
697 | TAKATSU | Haruo | Yokogawa Electric Corporation | Japan |  |
698 | TAMANI | Karim | ESIA | France |  |
699 | TANIMOTO | Marla | Goodrich | Belgium |  |
700 | TANVIR | Hussain | University of Kaiserslautern | Germany |  |
701 | TAPIERO | Charles | Polytechnic University, New York | United States |  |
702 | TARATYNAVA | Natallia | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
703 | TAVAKKOLI-MOGHADDAM | Reza | University of Teh�ran | Iran |  |
704 | TCHEBANOFF | Jean-Fran�ois | ENSM.SE | France |  |
705 | TEGHEM | Jacques | Facult� Polytechnique de Mons | Belgium |  |
706 | TETA | Domenico | DIIIE Universita di Salerno | Italy |  |
707 | TEULET | Patrick | PHENYX SYSTEMS France | France |  |
708 | THOLLOT | Philippe | ACF | France |  |
709 | THOMAS | Andr� | Universit� Nancy 1 | France |  |
710 | THOMAS | G�rard | ENSM.SE / SPIN | France |  |
711 | THOMESSE | Jean Pierre | LORIA Nancy | France |  |
712 | THOMSON | Vincent | Mc Gill University | Canada |  |
713 | THOUELIN | Jean Marc | Institut Maupertuis | France |  |
714 | TORRES MEDINA | Fernando | University of Alicante | Spain |  |
715 | TOSCANO | Rosario | ENISE | France |  |
716 | TOURNERY | Fran�ois | Alcatel VTF | France |  |
717 | TOURSI | Leila | Ecole des Mines de Nantes | France |  |
718 | TOUZI | Jihed | ENSTIMAC | France |  |
719 | TRANCHAND | Alain | SOMFY SAS | France |  |
720 | TREPANIER | Martin | Ecole Polytechnique de Montr�al | Canada |  |
721 | TRILLING | Lorraine | INSA Lyon | France |  |
722 | TRIOMPHE | Marine | ENSM.SE / DRI | France |  |
723 | TSUZUKI | Marcos | Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo | Brazil |  |
724 | TUMARU | Silvia Oama | University Politehnica of Bucharest | Romania |  |
725 | TURBA | Andr�a | ORESYS | France |  |
726 | ULRICH | Christophe | VIBRATEAM | France |  |
727 | VALCKENAERS | Paul | K.U. Leuven | Belgium |  |
728 | VALENTINI | Eric | Observatoire Strat�gique de la Sous-Traitance | France |  |
729 | VALETTE | Serge | POLE OPTIQUE RHONE ALPES | France |  |
730 | VALLESPIR | Bruno | Universit� Bordeaux 1 | France |  |
731 | VAN | Thanh Trung | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
732 | VAN DRIEST | Paul | QPIT BV | The Netherlands |  |
733 | VAN NIEKERK | Theo Ian | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University | South Africa |  |
734 | VAREILLES | Elise | Ecole des Mines d'Albi | France |  |
735 | VARLET | Arnaud | DASSAULT SYSTEMES | France |  |
736 | VAUDELIN | Jean Pierre | IFMA - LIMOS | France |  |
737 | VAUTRIN | Alain | ENSM.SE / SMS | France |  |
738 | VECCHIO | Claudio | University of Pavia | Italy |  |
739 | VERCOUTER | Laurent | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
740 | VERNADAT | Fran�ois | European Commission | Luxembourg |  |
741 | VERSTRAETE | Paul | K.U. Leuven | Belgium |  |
742 | VIALLETELLE | Philippe | ST Microelectronics | France |  |
743 | VICTORY | John L. | University of Bradford | United Kingdom |  |
744 | VIINIKKALA | Mika | Tampere University of Technology | Finland |  |
745 | VILA | Fabrice | MEGA International | France |  |
746 | VILCOT | Geoffrey | Universit� de Tours | France |  |
747 | VILLA | Agostino | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |  |
748 | VINCENT | Lucien | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
749 | VINCENT | Maurice | R�gion Rh�ne Alpes | France |  |
750 | VU | Van-Hoan | ENSM.SE / G2I | France |  |
751 | WADHWA | Subhash | IIT DELHI | India |  |
752 | WALTER | Ukovich | University of Trieste | Italy |  |
753 | WANG | Keqin | Universit� de Technologie de Troyes | France |  |
754 | WARTELLE | Claude | CETIM | France |  |
755 | WECKENMANN | Albert | Chair Quality Management | Germany |  |
756 | WERNER | Frank | Otto von Guericke Universitat Magdeburg | Germany |  |
757 | WHITEHEAD | Jonathan | University of Southampton | United Kingdom |  |
758 | WHITMAN | Lawrence | Wichita State University | United States |  |
759 | WILLIAMS | Peter | University of Limerick | Ireland |  |
760 | WILSON | John G. | The Richard Ivey School of Business | Canada |  |
761 | WITSCH | Daniel | University of Wuppertal | Germany |  |
762 | WITTHAUT | Markus | Fraunhofer IML | Germany |  |
763 | WOLLSCHLAEGER | Martin | T.U. Dresden | Germany |  |
764 | WOLOSEWICZ | Cathy | ENSM.SE / CMP GC | France |  |
765 | WORTMANN | J.C. | Faculty of Management and Organization | The Netherlands |  |
766 | XIAO | Yan | University of Maryland | United States |  |
767 | XIE | Xiaolan | ENSM.SE / CIS | France |  |
768 | XU | Te | Changwon National University | Korea |  |
769 | YAHIAOUI | Abdelhakim | INP de Grenoble | France |  |
770 | YANG | Taho | National Cheng Kung University | Taiwan |  |
771 | YON | Jean Jack | ACTIA | France |  |
772 | YOO | Yong-Ho | Bremen University | Germany |  |
773 | YOUNG | Robert | Loughborough University | United Kingdom |  |
774 | YUGMA | Claude | ENSM.SE / CMP GC | France |  |
775 | YUKNA | Christopher | ENSM.SE | France |  |
776 | ZAGHBIB | Amina | INSA Lyon | France |  |
777 | ZAIDAT | Ali | Universit� de Clermont Ferrand | France |  |
778 | ZAIKIN | Oleg | University of Technology of Szczecin | Poland |  |
779 | ZAITSEV | D'mitri | Novosibirsk State University | Russia |  |
780 | ZAMAI | Eric | ENSIEG | France |  |
781 | ZAREMBOWITCH | Serge | Conseil G�n�ral de la Loire | France |  |
782 | ZHANG | Bing Lin | Changwon National University | Korea |  |
783 | ZYGMUNT | Maciej | ABB Sp200 | Poland |  |