12/13/14/15 June 2007

Joint European Thermodynamics Conference IX

All topics in thermodynamics > JECT IX > Registration and submission of abstracts

Important dates

  • From Jan. 15th, 2007Online registration
  • February 14thApplication for Prigogine Prize
  • February 16thDeadline for submission of abstracts
  • March 31stAnswers for abstract acceptance
  • April 30thPaper : for accepted communications
  • June 12-15, 2007JETC IX
Detailed calendar

Registration and submission of abstracts


Communications (oral and poster) will focus on the concepts and methods of thermodynamics and discuss the applications mostly in view of the general functioning of thermodynamics. The scientific committee will decide acceptance and oral or poster presentation.

The language

The language of the conference will be English. Communications in French may be accepted provided the main lines are also written in English and an English summary is given.


A selected list of papers of JETC IX may be considered for publication in the following journals: Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, International Journal of Thermodynamics,  International Journal of Thermal Science (we have the agreement from the editors of these journals; the papers will go through normal reviewing procedure).

Registration fee

Total : between 110 and 220 euros.

Online registration

Online registration is closed.

Submission of abstract and papers

Communications (oral/poster) will be selected by the Scientific committee on basis of sent abstracts.
Abstract should be one A4 page and include coordinates of the corresponding author.

Answers for abstract acceptance will be given by March 31st 2007.
Authors with accepted abstracts may wish to send a 4-page paper, before April 30th.
We are now after the deadline, you may still send a 4-page paper, but we do not guarantee its subsequent status.
Abstracts or 4-page papers will be collected in the Proceedings of the conference that will be given to all participants.

Contacts | Dates & venue | | 2006 © ENSM.SE | | 2007 | © ENSM.SE