News stories about Security are particularly effervescent: more and more powerful and complex cyber attacks, vulnerabilities targeting modern processors or IoT networks… Devices and systems should take into account a growing number of attacks threatening critical infrastructure and sensitive data.
With this in mind, PHISIC2018’s program try to cover a large but coherent panel, highlighting important security aspects with a particular focus on side-channel and fault injection attacks as well as SW/HW protections and characterization methodologies. Progress in the field of cryptography and works dealing with the security purposes of critical embedded hardware in mobile devices, IoT or CPS will also be proposed.
The presentation material (slides) should be in English. Talks will be 30 minutes long including 5-10 minutes for Q&A. Observe that presenting does not prevent future or concurrent submission to any journal or conference with proceedings.
PHISIC’2018 is a workshop without proceeding. Presentations and posters will be publicly available after the workshop unless noted otherwise by the authors.
We invite you to submit abstract (10-20 lines) for the talk sessions or posters to the organization committee (see contacts) before Friday 6th APRIL 2018.
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