JESS 2017

Journée Efficience des Systèmes de Soins

20 avril 2017



Café de bienvenue

9h15 Introduction

Caroline Le Gloan

Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Santé / Direction Générale de l'Offre de Soins (DGOS)

Bernadette Dorizzi

Professeur à Télécom SudParis

10h Plénière No 1

Dr. Richard Birtwhistle (Queen's University)


Dr. Richard Birtwhistle is a family physician and clinical epidemiologist and is a Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences at Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario. Since 2008 he has been leading the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network which collects electronic medical record data on 1.5 million Canadians for use in chronic disease surveillance, research and practice quality improvement. His research interests are in improving chronic disease prevention and management and outcomes and use of secondary data sources for research.

Primary Care Electronic Medical Record Data: Good to the last Byte

This presentation will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of using general practice electronic medical record (EMR) data for improving patient care, research, disease surveillance and health system improvement. Up until recently data from general practice has been unavailable in Canada because it is either stored in paper files or EMR vendors have built systems that you can enter data but cannot get it back out. I will describe the experience and challenges of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network which has been extracting, cleaning and using patient electronic health data since 2008.

11h Plénière No 2

Pr. Erwin Hans (University of Twente)


Towards an ecosystem of Healthcare OR/OM education, research and impact

Erwin Hans is a full professor Healthcare Operations Management of University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. He is program director for the Industrial Engineering & Management BSc and MSc programs at UT, which are ranked highest in national rankings and student appreciation. He is co-founder of CHOIR (Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement & Research), a research group on Healthcare OR/OM. In his presentation he will explain how CHOIR tries to closely collaborate with healthcare practice, ICT developers and consultants to create an ecosystem where CHOIR’s research and education activities lead to an actual impact in healthcare. He will give an overview of the research activities and results. In particular he will describe his teaching program for healthcare managers and doctors, and discuss how this fuels the research activities and promotes actual impact of the research in practice.


Présentation des posters



13h30 Session 1

Franck Fontanili , Guillaume Marquès


Aide à la simulation de flux de patients avec un configurateur de parcours : application à un service de consultations mutualisées

Guillaume Lame

Challenges of Planning with Scenarios in a Public Academic Hospital’s Division

Adrien Beata

Presentation PDF

medGo: Gestion des remplacements du personnel soignant

Afafe Zehrouni, Vincent Augusto, Xiaolan Xie

Presentation PDF

Stratégie de repli hospitalier en cas de crues majeures en Ile de France

15h30 Pause café
15h45 Session 2

Asma Talhi, Virginie Fortineau, Christian Skalafouris, Sophie Renet, Niccolò Uratolo

Conciliation médicamenteuse électronique : développement d’une solution informatique d’appui à la conciliation médicamenteuse

Thierry Blanchon et Clément Turbelin

Projet Xmed-JSentinel ou comment l’informatique concilie médecine de terrain et recherche scientifique

Marianne Sarazin , Solenn Barbaud, Raksmey Phan , Sylvain Guilbaud

Presentation PDF

Interprétation d’informations textuelles provenant d’un dossier patient informatisé et intégration dans la fonctionnalité : Health predictive scoring

Vincent AUGUSTO, Oussama BATATA, Xiaolan XIE

Presentation PDF

Evaluation des solutions de répit des aidants


Remise du prix « Meilleur poster »


Cocktail de clôture



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