CIRP IPSS 2015 Presentation Template
Chairman: Tomohiko Sakao (SE)
Chairman:Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu (FR)
Chairman:Daniela Pigosso (IT)
Chairman:Yutaro Nemoto (JP)
Chairmen: Sergio Terzi (IT)
Chairman: Peggy Zwolinski (FR)
Chairman: Koji Kimita (JP)
Chairman: Mattias Lindhal (SE)
Chairman: Uta Wilkens (DE)
Chairman: Olga Battaïa (IT)
Chairman:Henrique Rozenfeld (BR)
Chairman: Khaled Medini (FR)
Chairman: Erik Sundin (SE)
Chairman: Veronica Martinez (UK)
Chairman: Maud Rio (FR)
Chairman: Daniel Brissaud (FR)
Chairman: Nadine Dubruc (FR)
Chairman: Tim McAloone (DK)
Chairman: Sophie Peillon (FR)
Chairman: Giuditta Pezzotta (IT)
Chairman: Khaled Medini (FR)
Chairman: Alan Lelah (FR)
Chairman: Yoshiki Shimomura (JP)
About a hundred of scientific papers concerning the various industrial issues and scientific disciplines concerned by industrial product-s ervice systems will be presented. The sessions are organized into 2 or 3 parallel tracks, together with several plenary sessions.
This year, the watchwords will be interdisciplinarity and openness to new approaches and experiences in the field of PSS!
Papers stemming from economics, management and social sciences are welcome, as well as practical experiences presented either by scientists or industrialist and managers (cf. industrial day below).
Dialogue between disciplines, scientists and practitioners will be furthered all through the conference.
Best paper/presentation awards will be attributed as well as paper selection for special issues in academic journals.
The scope of the conference addresses the theme “Industry transformation for sustainability and business”, thus putting the focus on two specific issues:
85 selected papers within 22 scientific sessions, covering a wide range of major PSS topics:
Product/service-systems (PSS), sustainability, eco-innovation
PRODUCT/SERVICE-SYSTEMS (PSS) is an innovation strategy, where a greater integration of products and services has the potential to decouple business success and economic growth from mere product sales. Instead of viewing a product as an isolated entity, the PSS design activity focuses on creating the right combination of products and services, needed to aid the customer in reaching their goal. Examples of PSS are emerging in a broad range of markets, from large industrial and heavy industries to solutions on the commercial and consumer product markets.
Incorporating service thinking into the product development process gives rise to new innovation opportunities; the product has the opportunity of being made more robust throughout its life cycle (i.e. it is ‘Designed for Service’) and the customers’ entire needs and activities are considered and catered for, from the very beginning of the development process. Moreover, a PSS solution has great potential to deliver functionality to the user in a more effective and therefore environmentally optimised manner.
But how to design a product/service-system? What’s the difference between PSS development and traditional product development? And is it a given, that PSS design is the same as sustainable design..?
Based on a series of empirical research insights, industrial examples and student cases, this keynote lecture will focus on the engineer’s role in developing PSS solutions, paying particular attention to the necessary methodology to support the product development process, when more than just physical artefacts are to be developed and where service and functionality become the principal design objects. A reflection will be made regarding the sustainability potential of PSS, provoking a re-assessment of our assumptions and pre-conceptions of the field.
Tim McAloone is Professor of Product/Service-Systems at the Technical University of Denmark. He works closely with Danish and international industry, creating new methods and models for a wide range of product development issues, such as product/service-systems, sustainable design and eco-innovation. He has many research activities, including projects such as the Innovation Consortium “PROTEUS”, which focuses on the creation of product/service innovation methodologies for the Danish maritime industry, plus the UNEP Eco-Innovation Manual.
Danish and international industrial companies are Tim’s main research object, where most of his work is carried out in the form of empirical studies of product development methodological activities and improvement needs in industry. Tim’s international network spreads very broadly, where he has close ties to universities in particularly USA, Brazil, Japan, France, Germany, Sweden and UK. In 2011 Tim was guest professor at Stanford University, USA. He is regularly invited as keynote speaker at international conferences and is also frequently used within Danish industrial seminars and meetings.
Tim received his PhD from Cranfield University, UK, in 1998, where he studied the integration of eco-design strategies into industry. His first degree is in Mechanical Engineering from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, in 1993.
Servitization, shift to services, service transformations
The upsurge of Services in our modern economy has positioned Servitization as one of the strategic research priorities. Firms engaging in this important strategic transition need to understand the rationale and urgency behind the shift, but more importantly to recognise and acknowledge the service journey that they will experience in the future. This speech addresses the current problems and challenges that firms face, then presents the emerging models to support firms in the transition towards services. Illustration of exemplar cases from large multinationals such as CAT, MAN, Endress+Hauser, Zoetis, GEA and Pearson will be discussed.
Key aspects of this keynote will cover:
- Service adoption
- Why do firms shift to services?
- How do they shift?
- What is their service journey
- Illustration of exemplar practices
Veronica Martinez joined the Cambridge Service Alliance in January 2014 to work in the Making and Sustaining the Shift to Services’ project. Veronica is a visiting professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Prior to joining Cambridge she worked at the Cranfield and Strathclyde Universities as principal research fellow and lecturer. Her major research expertise revolves around the fields of strategic service performance, value creation and performance measurement and management systems. Veronica has led and participated in large European and UK research projects in integrated products and services.
Veronica was formerly the co-principal investigator of two half-a-million IMRC/EPSRC projects in product-service systems. First called “Assessing the value-in-use of product-service systems” and the second “Transformations to servitized organizational forms”. She worked in multidisciplinary teams investigating and supporting organizations in their servitization journeys such as, MAN Trucks, Microlise, Rockwell, among others. Before her academic career, she worked with organizations such as, Daimler-Chrysler, Highland Spring and COMIMSA.
Veronica is a member of the Higher Education Academy in the UK. She is a college member of the Economic and Social Research Council in the UK, a member of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Research Council, a member of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) Council. She was a referee of the Italian Evaluation of Research Quality Exercise 2004-10. Veronica is an active organizer of conferences' tracks and panel sessions in conferences such as Production and Operations Management, Academy of Management and PMA. She is a permanent and occasional reviewer of high impact journals such as the international Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Production, Planning and Control.
For more information about Veronica research and publications visit:
Overcoming Pitfalls of Performance Measurement Systems:
The Value of Performance Measurement:
Service Engineering, Product Service Systems, academic-industrial alliance
Throughout the long history of Japan, manufacturing industries have supported the Japanese national economy. However, most of them have lost competitive advantage in global market today because of manufacturing internationalization, radical extensions in emergent nations, products commoditization, value diversification, aging population and low birth rate and so on. The speaker has conducted studies on Service Engineering in Japan in order to provide a fundamental understanding of broad sense services in industries as well as concrete and practical engineering methods for realizing the effective and efficient development of Product-Service Systems (PSSs). This keynote denotes the latest progress on PSS Engineering and relating several projects in Japan. In addition, methods and tools that can contribute to future PSS development are discussed.
Dr. Yoshiki Shimomura has been a Professor in the Intelligent Mechanical Systems Course, Faculty of System Design and Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, since 2005.
Prior to this appointment, he was an Associate Professor in Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, the University of Tokyo. He also has working experience in a precision machine manufacturer and a heavy industry company. He received his Ph.D. in precision machinery engineering from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo in 1997.
Dr. Shimomura’s research interests include service engineering, product-service systems, life-cycle engineering, design theory and methodology, design education, intelligent systems, knowledge engineering, reasoning mechanism, and soft machines (self-maintenance machines and cellular machines). He has been collaborating with industrial/academic partners on pragmatic engineering system development related to product-service systems, performance based logistics, performance based life-cycle product support, performance based contracting and so on.
Répondre à une demande actuelle et future de mobilité durable et à des usages différenciés par secteur d’activités et type de clients
French version below
For many years, Michelin has been referred to as a pioneer in deploying a strategy of integrated product-service offering, by both academics and practitioners at national and international levels. However, little is actually known about the reasons that pushed persuaded? Michelin to make this choice, the way these sustainable mobility solutions were implemented, their organizational consequences, or the competitive position of Michelin. A feedback from experience and a discussion about the main lessons learned will be shared with the audience.
French version
Michelin est, depuis de nombreuses années, très régulièrement cité comme un exemple emblématique de déploiement d'une stratégie d'offre intégrée produits-services, aussi bien dans les travaux français qu'internationaux, par les académiques comme par les praticiens. Cependant, peu de choses sont réellement connues sur les raisons qui ont poussé Michelin à faire ce choix, la manière dont ces offres de mobilité durable ont été mises en œuvre, les conséquences organisationnelles, mais aussi en termes de positionnement concurrentiel ou de satisfaction de la demande de mobilité. Un retour d'expérience et une réflexion sur les principaux enseignements à en tirer seront partagés avec l'auditoire.
French version below
Erik Grab is currently Director of Strategic Anticipation and Innovation for Michelin Group. He is also in charge of the Michelin Challenge Bibendum Open Lab, a co-innovation ecosystem gathering over 200 international companies. His previous mission within the Group was as Global Marketing Director for the two main Michelin business entities, namely Truck and Passenger Car. Before joining Michelin, Erik had created a Business Consulting Agency which he subsequently sold to WPP, world leader in advertising and marketing services. Erik began his career in sales, then turned to marketing consultancy and market studies, including within the German Institute Gfk before becoming the company’s French branch Director. Erik is a strategic anticipation and innovation unconditional enthusiast and regularly speaks on university campuses and international forums on the future of mobility.
French version
Erik GRAB est aujourd'hui Directeur du département " Anticipation Stratégique et Innovation" pour le Groupe Michelin. Il est également en charge d'un écosystème de co-innovation regroupant notamment plus de 200 entreprises internationales : l'Open Lab du Michelin Challenge Bibendum. Il a été auparavant responsable du Marketing Monde des deux principales entités business de Michelin dans les domaines des Poids Lourds et des Véhicules de Tourisme. Avant de rejoindre Michelin, il a créé un institut de conseil aux Entreprises qu'il a ensuite revendu au leader mondial des services marketing et publicitaires WPP. Il a commencé sa carrière dans les ventes puis le conseil marketing et les études de marché notamment chez Gfk, un institut Allemand pour lequel il a finalement pris la direction de sa filiale Française. Erik est passionné par la Prospective et l'Innovation et intervient régulièrement dans des universités et des forums internationaux sur l'avenir de la mobilité."
Special Session 1: Mass customization and product services systems for leveraging sustainability
Special Session 2: Intelligent Objects for Product-Service Systems
Special Session 4: Lean Product Services: enabling methods and tools
The Industrial Day is fully integrated within the IPSS 2015 International Conference program. It aims at fostering exchanges among scholars and practitioners in the field of product-service systems (PSS). Whether you are a specialist who experienced industrial services or a beginner interested in IPSS, you’re welcome to attend the various sessions or present your own experience!
Program outline
- Two keynote speeches will be given respectively, by a senior practitioner from Michelin and a CIRP fellow
- Industrial case studies underlining the collaborations between research and practice
- Brokerage event involving panorama of European aid
- Industrial round table relating to PSS evidences from industries, participants include Clextral and Renault Trucks
The Industrial Day, as an IPSS'15 related event is open for audience from all over the world, talks, presentations and debates are in English.
The Game Day consists of half a day of experimentation of and discussions about educational tools relating to PSS design methodologies and industrial management at large. It is an opportunity to explore new game-based learning methods and most up-to-date innovations in this field.
Program outline
- First session of the game day is concerned with experiencing three educational games
- Game 1: MicroS+*
- Game 2: B to green*
- Game 3: WipSim*
- Second session reports on most-up-to-date educational innovations based on the experience of experts in this field. These include but are not limited to effective design of educational tools.
Click here to register (for free!) for the Game Day and select the game you are interested in.
*see the full description below.
Game 1: Integrating product- and service dominated logics - A PSS Management Simulation
A session convened by Thomas Süße & Bernd-Friedrich Voigt (Ruhr-University Bochum)The PSS (Product-Service Systems) business simulation is a challenging computer-based, but realistic learning and teaching environment for practitioners as well as for academics. Participants will be in charge of a virtual business division which provides integrated solutions along customer specific life-cycles. The key to delivering a profitable customer use value lies in an optimized coordination of decisions taken by a service-unit and a product-unit. A graphical PSS management cockpit integrates key performance indicators from both units and supports participants in analyzing results and effects of their PSS management decisions. This learning-by-doing simulation sets up a realistic PSS model to train business-related experience in an interactive, highly dynamic and risk-free manner.
Game 2: B to green
B2 Green is an educational game focused on innovation and eco-innovation mechanisms. It allows understanding how the environment could open new innovation horizons. B2 Green consists of a board game, a debrief, and a training sequence. The game simulates a 5 year period where the players take the roles of innovation managers within different companies developing and marketing new products. Their aim is to gain the biggest market share through offering the best product. Each of the users may acquire new technologies, marketing strategies, and eco-design to take advantage over the competitors. The innovation strategies of the player depend on the economical context. The game is then structured into three steps: innovation investments, product development, and market share assignment.Game 3: WipSim - Work In Process SIMulation
WIP-SIM is an engineering tool for automating tedious and complex calculations needed to size and optimize pull production lines with constant work-in-progress. To this end, WIP-SIM uses different production management concepts, such as Queuing Theory and Theory of Constraints. This tool has been gradually enriched with new functions to suit user needs resulting in newly added tools such as, Value Stream Mapping and a view of the factory layout with calculating average distances traveled by components.
The Spring School is organized by Grenoble INP in collaboration with Ecole des Mines (with 3 days in Grenoble and the last day in St Etienne) with a 4 days full program covering following major themes: Modelling, Performance assessment and Design of PSS.
This spring school is offered to train PhD students, researchers and early career practitioners in the key challenges and technologies for sustainable product-service system design. It will also help to develop an international research community in the area.
This community puts together researchers and research groups from Denmark, France, Germany, Japan and Sweden around PSS design research related themes e.g. Product Service System (PSS) engineering, Service Engineering (SE), Integrated Product Service Engineering (IPSE) and Functional Sales (FS).
The PSS Design community aims to share and spread information about world class research in the area since 2005. The annual meeting of the community will be organized on the occasion of IPSS’2015.
This meeting is a closed members-only meeting.
For further information concerning the PSS Design Research Community:
The aim of this workshop is to give participants an experience of “system” design in PSS development. Product-Service Systems (PSS) require various resources to meet customer needs. To realize a PSS, its provider needs to make a collaboration and cooperation network with other actors who have different strengths and aims. In this workshop, participants will experience the advantage and difficulty of collaboration and cooperation through some group works. In this workshop, we make 3 groups of participants. Each group plays a role of different firms. By using our tools, each group designs an actor network including other groups, and then negotiates with other groups to develop the designed network.