September 8 2020, Campus de la Doua, Lyon. "Mathematics for Machine Learning" by Yohann de Castro, organisé organized by Céline Helbert and Christophette Blanchet-Scaillet.
2019 November 26, Mines Saint-Etienne. "Kriging++: large number of points, constraints, discrete inputs.",
2018 June 12, IMT Toulouse. "Working with stochastic simulators.",
2018 January 30, Mines Saint-Etienne. "From turnkey kriging to customized kernels.",
2017 June 19-20, IMT Toulouse. "Statistical methods for functional data.",
by J.-M. Loubès, with the participation of A. Choury. Local organizers: F. Bachoc and F. Gamboa.
The first day is an introduction to popular tools in the exploratory data analysis of functional data: smoothing techniques, basis expansions, the mean choice issue, functional PCA.
The second day is a research workshop in functional data analysis.
2017 March 14th, Campus de la Doua, Lyon. "Statistique des Extrêmes" by Cécile Mercadier. This training session is mainly targeted to people that are not familiar with the topic. Tools and theoretical aspects will de explained, as well as examples on real world data. The illustrations have been done with the language R.
2016 June 9 & 27, IRSN Fontenay-aux-Roses. "Introduction to Kriging and R", by Y. Deville (AlpeStat), N. Durrande, O. Roustant (Mines Saint-Etienne) and Yann Richet as local organizer.
One-day session for beginners: Discovery of Kriging-based metamodelling through the R packages DiceKriging, DiceOptim, DiceDesign. The morning is dedicated to the R software: generalities & advanced tools. The afternoon is about metamodelling and application to optimization. An interactive toy problem is used as a guideline.
Invited researchers
2018, May. Guillaume Sagnol (TU Berlin, Allemagne) has been invited at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
and Mines Saint-Etienne as an expert in optimization. Guillaume has given a 2×1.5h class on " Convex Optimization: Modelling, Algorithms, and Relaxations for discrete Problems " during the scientific meeting on May the 23 and 24 2018.
2017, June. Thomas Santner (Ohio State University, US)
has been invited at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse to work on optimization in presence of functional data.
2017, April 26 - May 16. Henry Wynn (London School of Economics, UK) has been invited at Mines Saint-Étienne to work on categorical data, and University of Nice to work on sensitivity analysis for systems with functional inputs.
2016, October. James Hensman (Lancaster University, UK) has been invited at Mines Saint-Étienne to work at the intersection between the topics of large datasets and functional inputs.