In case you want to give a presentation, you can submit a short abstract (with a maximum of 1000 characters) during the registration process until June 1, 2017. Based on the number of submissions and the available time slots for presentations, the local organizers and the steering committee will select the accepted presentations until June 8. The deadline for the extended abstracts is July 7. Only those accepted presentations for which the extended abstracts (four pages) have been received will be included in the program. Authors are requested to provide their contribution according to the following latex template: Template IWLS.
Registration information
The regular registration fee for the Eighth International Workshop on Lot Sizing in Glasgow (August 23 to 25, 2017) is £130. The student registration is free, but it requires OR Society student membership and you will be asked to provide your OR Society member number during the registration process (please note OR Society student membership is free, see details in the following link)
All attendees (regular and student) will need to register using the link below. Please register before July 14, 2017, in order to facilitate our planning. The system is provided by the university and is secure for payment. Please note that you will need to create a user account first (which takes only few minutes).
Click here to register