IWLS 2015
International Workshop on Lot Sizing

August 24th - 26th, 2015
Montréal, Canada


We invite you to submit an extended abstract of at most 4 pages before June 15th 2015. Authors are requested to provide their contribution according to the following latex template: Template IWLS.

Please submit your paper to the following email address: raf.jans@hec.ca

Registration information

To register for the Sixth International Workshop on Lot Sizing in Montreal (August 24 to 26, 2015), please use the link below. The total cost is 230 $ (Canadian $).

Please register before June 30, 2015 (in order to facilitate our planning). The system is a secure system that has been used for many conferences organized by the research center GERAD. You will first have to create a user account.
