The XXXI edition of the conference series

September 3-6 2017 > Scope and Topics

Scope and Topics

Eurosensors is a series of highly successful conferences that began in Cambridge in 1987 and that has been the only European forum to cover the entire field of Sensors, Actuators, Microsystems and Nanosystems. It is the leading European conference devoted to the advancement of high technologies in the aforementioned fields.

Eurosensors attracts more than 500 participants every year, mainly from Europe but also from abroad. New developments ranging from new sensing materials and sensor fabrication processes up to wireless sensor network, micro power generation, micro fluidic, bio analytical systems, etc., are particularly welcome.

2017's edition topics are:

  1. Theory and modelling
    This topic expects contributions dealing with theory and modelling of all kind of micro-nano systems: physical-chemical principle, detection mechanism, multiscale and multiphysic simulations…
  2. Materials and micro- nano- technology, Microfabrication  
    This topic covers the areas of novel materials for sensors and actuators including nanomaterials, as well as of micro- or nanofabrication techniques in bottom-up and top-down approaches (photolithography, soft lithography, microcontact printing, molding, etc...)
  3. Physical sensors and Actuators
    This topic covers the area of all types of physical sensors (excluding optical ones-topic 6 and RF MEMS-topic 7) and actuators, in regards of their design, performances, application field
  4. Chemical sensors
    This topic covers the area of chemical sensors , in regards of their design, performances, application field for gases and liquids as well
  5. Biological sensors, Microfluidic
    This topic covers the area of biological sensors and microfluidic microsystems , in regards of their design, performances, application field
  6. Optical microsystems
    This topic covers the area of optical microsystems (sources, detectors, optical functions) , in regards of their design, performances, application field
  7. Wireless Sensor Networks, RF MEMS
    This topic covers the area of wireless systems, sensor network and RF MEMS , in regards of their design, performances, application field
  8. Energy harvesting, Micro Power Generation
    This topic covers the area of systems dealing with energy harvesting and micro power generation, in regards of their design, performances, application field
  9. Embedded systems, Interface and Signal processing
    This topic covers all the areas that relate to software themes: from feature extraction and digital signal processing techniques to interfacing, whether the codes run on embedded systems, computers or mobile devices.
  10. Packaging and Assembly Technology
    This topic covers the area of packaging and assembly technology
  11. Special session I on Printed and flexible electronics
    This special session is dedicated to printed and flexible electronics for the development of sensing sytems: materials and techniques, applications
  12. Special session II on Sensors for Factory of the future
    This special session is dedicated to Sensors for Factory of the future. The manufacturing of the future is a major event which will required many types of sensors for process monitoring, production control…. This session intends to illustrate sensors requirements in this field.





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