Surmat 06

15, 16 et 17 novembre 2006 / November, 15-16 and 17th, 2006

Les défis des traitements de surface

New challenges in surface treatment


  • March, 31th, 2006Proposition of communication title and summary
  • May, 15th, 2006Draft manuscript submission
  • June 15th 2006Publication of the programme
  • September 15th, 2006Manuscript submission


SURMAT 06 becomes international :
SURMAT, which was traditionally a French colloquium in its former editions, will now become international. Industrial, economical and scientific trends in the Metal Finishing Business are more and more dictated by parameters defined outside of France. New industry specifications and directives are now global and practiced worldwide.



Official language

French with simultaneous translation French / English, English / French.




Contacts | Dates & Access map | 2006 © ENSM.SE
2006 | © ENSM.SE