Towards the Next Generation Collaborative Networked Organizations:
International Challenges, Trends and Research Opportunities
This year, for second time, as part of the PRO-VE 2010 Conference, a special session is being organized with the aim of sharing true management experiences and lessons learned from a group of practitioners for the establishment and management of the Next Generation Collaborative Networked Organizations.
Why a special session on a panel format? A panel offers an interactive forum that engages panelist and audience in a lively discussion on important and often controversial issues. Therefore, this special session is being designed under a panel format in order to maximize the knowledge sharing and acquisition among its participants and identify opportunities and trends to further develop solutions for the Next Generation Collaborative Networked Organizations.
Why a live discussion as part of the panel session? Knowledge is constructed mainly by socialization; therefore participants will have the opportunity to dialogue with the panelists and among them to exchange ideas and experiences in order to define potential future scenarios that will serve to guide the future research and development initiatives in the emerging discipline of Collaborative Networked Organizations.
Why a micro-workshop after the live discussion? After the presentations and live discussion, panelists and participants will participate in a short activity in order to document the new knowledge created during the special panel session.
As a result of an interactive communication between the audience and the panelists, both will develop a better understanding on the current issues on creating and managing collaborative networks in different domains and applications environments, and together will start crafting potential solutions to face these challenges based on all the participants’ knowledge and experience.
Organized by SOCOLNET Special Interest Group on Collaborative Networked Organizations Case Studies
The special session will introduce a number of industrial cases that have been studied from both theoretical and practical perspectives to demonstrate the potential and applicability of collaborative networks concepts, methods and tools.
The session scope will cover different regional manifestations of collaborative networks, and will depict their main strengths and current challenges in order to manage successful Collaborative Networked Organizations. Best practices will be shared with the audience based on the Network Managers experiences.
The panel outcome will be reported as an e-book that will be made available through PRO-VE conference Website.