by Train TGV (High Speed Train) trains run between Lyon and Paris every hour or every half hour. Lyon - Paris: 1h55, Lyon - Marseille: 1h35, Lyon - Genève: 1h50, Lyon - Bruxelles: 3h50. Online ticket booking is possible on the SNCF website.
by Plane Paris Airports or Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport.
Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport take the TGV to “Lyon Part-Dieu” or “Lyon Perrache” railway station
ORLY-Airport Transfer to Paris “Gare de Lyon” by shuttle Orlyval and Metro. TGV to “Lyon Part-Dieu” or “Lyon Perrache” railway station.
see below "When you are in LYON" item
Lyon-Saint Exupéry is the French airport with the largest number of routes outside Paris, with 27 French towns and cities connected by daily scheduled flights, 43 scheduled international routes, 19 charter routes and 7 cargo routes (winter programme).
Saint-Exupéry-Airport – Tramway to “Lyon Part-Dieu” railway station:
From summer 2010, RHONEXPRESS will connect the airport with the station of the Part-Dieu in the center of Lyon within 30 minutes. More information to come.
See below "When you are in LYON" item
At "Gorge de Loup", take the bus line 19, direction "Ecully-Le Pérollier" and exit at "Chirpaz"
Go back to the roundabout and follow the "chemin de Chalin" street. Valpré is 200 m by foot
You can use the same ticket for subway and bus
More information on Lyon (hotels, restaurants and other tourist-information)