IWLS 2018
International Workshop on Lot Sizing

August 22nd - 24th, 2018
Ubatuba, Brazil

Travel Options

The conference will be held in Ubatuba, a beach city in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, in Brazil. The conference venue is Itamambuca Eco Resort, located in the kilometer 36 of the highway BR-101 (Rio-Santos Road), between the cities of Ubatuba-SP and Paraty-RJ.

We have negotiated bus transfers between Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) and Itamambuca Eco Resort, for the specific days and times described below, free for the registered participants:

  • From Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) to Itamambuca Eco Resort
    - Sunday, August, 19. Leaving Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) at 11h a.m.
    - Tuesday, August, 21. Leaving Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) at 11h a.m.
  • From Itamambuca Eco Resort to Guarulhos International Airport (GRU)
    - Saturday, August, 25. Leaving Itamambuca Eco Resort at 12h30m p.m.
    - Sunday, August, 26. Leaving Itamambuca Eco Resort at 12h30m p.m.

The specific days and times were chosen based on the timetable of most of the international flights arriving and leaving Guarulhos International Airport (GRU). The distance between the Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) and Itamambuca Eco Resort is around 230 kilometers and it usually takes around 4 hours by bus (depending on the traffic in São Paulo). Please, take it into account when buying your flight tickets, mainly on the way back. The departure times can be slightly changed according to the desire of all passengers. For example, if all passengers are ready to departure from the airport before 11h, the bus can leave Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) a bit earlier.

In the case you cannot use our free transfers, you can:

  • Pay for a private transfer. It will cost around R$ 700,00 (this price can be shared with other participants).
  • Rent a car for the whole period that you will be in Brazil. There are different companies on the Guarulhos International Airport. Please, check the website: https://www.gru.com.br/en/passenger/to-from-gru-airport/car-rentals/
  • Take a bus from Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) to one of the São Paulo bus stations (Terminal Rodoviário Barra Funda or Terminal RodoviárioTietê). Then, take another bus from this bus station to Ubatuba bus station. Finally take a taxi from Ubatuba bus station to Itamambuca Eco Resort. The total cost will be around R$ 150,00. If you choose this option, please, consider that it can take a long time and, mainly, that in general people will not speak English. Please send an email to iwls2018brazil@gmail.com for any questions you might have.

For further information on how to arrive to Ubatuba: http://www.itamambuca.com.br/en/location.