IWLS 2016
International Workshop on Lot Sizing

August 23rd - 25th, 2016
Hannover, Germany


In case you want to give a presentation, you can submit a short abstract (with a maximum of 1000 characters) during the registration process until June 1, 2016. Based on the number of submissions and the available time slots for presentations, the local organizers and the steering committee will select the accepted presentations until June 8. The deadline for the extended abstracts is June 22. Only those accepted presentations for which the extended abstracts (four pages) have been received and for which the conference fee has been paid until July 1 will be included in the program. Authors are requested to provide their contribution according to the following latex template: Template IWLS.

Please submit your paper to the following email address: iwls2016@prod.uni-hannover.de

Registration information

Please register via our institutional website https://www.prod.uni-hannover.de/iwls2016 as soon as possible.
There will be a registration fee of 250 EUR to cover the costs, including a pre-workshop barbecue on the evening of Monday, August 22, the conference dinner on Wednesday, August 24, the lunch meals from Tuesday to Thursday, beverages and snacks during the breaks, as well as an industry excursion on Wednesday afternoon, prior to the conference dinner. One group will visit the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles plant in Hannover. Another group will visit the Herrenhäuser beer brewery, also in Hannover. Furthermore, each participant will have to cover his/her accommodation and travel expenses.

Registration information

A limited number of participation grants will be available for PhD students and other researchers early in their career. The grants will cover the conference fee. In order to be considered for the grant, the doctoral student or young researcher must

  • submit an application for the grant,
  • submit an abstract for a presentation that gets accepted, and
  • submit a letter of recommendation by the (thesis) supervisor, commenting on the need to receive the grant.
The deadline for participation grant applications is also June 1.