EASSS 2010

23-27 August 2010

The 12th European Agent Systems Summer School

easss 2010 >Grant request

Grant request


Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to propose a few grants that cover the whole registration fees (accomodation and travel are not paid by these grants and must be paid by the participants). PhD and master students can apply to such a grant.

In order to apply for a grant it is necessary:

  1. to register on the registration page
  2. to fill the grant application form, available here: grant_request.txt.
  3. that the PhD/master advisor writes a letter explaining the importance of the grant and of the student's participation to EASSS for his/her research .
  4. to send the filled form and the advisor letter by e-mail to easss2010@emse.fr no later than 30th june 2010.

Please note that, even if the notification of grants acceptance/rejection will take place after the early registration deadline, students who make a grant request but don't obtain it will only be asked to pay the early registration fee.


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2010 © ENSM.SE