The XXXI edition of the conference series

September 3-6 2017

Eurosensors 2017

EUROSENSORS 2017, the XXXI edition of the conference series, was held in PARIS at UIC-P Congress Center close to the Tour Eiffel, from September 3 to 6, 2017 for the third time in France, after Toulouse 1994 and Lyon 2007.

Since 1987 the EUROSENSORS Conference is a unique forum for scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and industry to present their latest results in the field of Sensors, Actuators, Microsystems and Nanosystems.

EUROSENSORS 2017 was attended by 500 participants, 85% of them came from academia and 15% from industry and research facilities. 472 submissions were received from 39 countries for peer review, all being assigned to 4 reviewers. From the accepted ones, 146 lectures (including 4 plenary talks) were selected and presented in 12 topics listed hereafter, with focus on “Printed and flexible electronics” and “Sensors for Factory of the future”. 247 posters were presented and displayed during the entire duration of the conference.

On Sunday sept. 3rd, EUROSENSORS SCHOOL focused on “Printed and flexible electronics” was attended by 45 persons.

Scientific sessions have covered the following topics:

  1. Theory and modelling
  2. Materials and micro- nano- technology, Microfabrication.
  3. Physical sensors and Actuators
  4. Chemical sensors
  5. Biological sensors, Microfluidic
  6. Optical microsystems
  7. Wireless Sensor Networks, RF MEMS.
  8. Energy harvesting, Micro Power Generation
  9. Embedded systems, Interface and Signal processing
  10. Packaging and Assembly Technology
  11. Special session I on Printed and flexible electronics
  12. Special session II on Sensors for Factory of the future

The four plenary speakers were:

Magnus BERGGREN, Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University , SWEDEN
"Artificial Neural Systems Based on Organic  Electronics

Edward T. ZELLERS, Dpt of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan, USA
"Microscale Gas Chromatography with Microsensor Array Detection: Challenges and Prospects"

Olivier VANCAUWENBERGHE, Sensor Technology & Applications division , SAFRAN Tech, FRANCE
"High Performance MEMS for Harsh Environments: From Concept to Product“

Eugenio MARTINELLI, Eurosensors 2016 fellow, Dept. Electronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, ITALY
"Interplay between natural and artificial paradigms for sensor data processing”


EUROSENSORS 2017 proceedings are published by MDPI in Proceedings (Vol. 1, Issue 4, Sept 2017).

Extended submissions might also be submitted to the journals Sensors and Actuators A: Physical and Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical from ELSEVIER, for publication if they pass the standard reviewing process of the journals.

EUROSENSORS 2017 Fellow award was attributed to PRADES Joan Daniel from MIND-IN2UB, Dpt of Engineering-Electronics, University of Barcelona.

Three Posters awards were also discerned during the closing ceremony.


Finally the traditional EUROSENSORS trophy and the flag inaugurated in Budapest were handed over to Prof. Anton KÖCK, the general chair of 2018 conference to be held in Graz, Austria : EUROSENSORS 2018.




We wish to thanks all attendees who contributed to the scientific success of this conference and we also thank all Sponsors and Exhibitors.


Prof. Jean-Paul Viricelle,
General Chair
Prof. Christophe Pijolat,
Program Chair




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